Double Duty on Your Driveway

Are you looking for a way to beautify the exterior of your home? Thinking about adding a few plants? What about a new door? Yes, these items will make the outside of your home look better. But, you can also do the same by cleaning up an often over-looked area of your home – the driveway.

Driveways take a beating all year round. From ugly oil stains to sparse weeds, they tend to get torn-up. For this reason, driveways need to get the constant attention just as other parts of the home receive on a regular basis.

Here’s a helpful guide. Below is a breakdown of how to clean and maintain a driveway. Follow it and this area of your property will look pristine all year round.

For those pesky weeds…

* Do you have weeds growing through the cracks of your driveway? Kill them by saturating the weeds with 1 gallon of warm water to which you’ve added 1/4 cup of salt.

* Want to prevent weeds from popping up? Fill the cracks in your driveway with salt. Sprinkle-sprinkle. Watch those weeds NEVER appear.

For that oil stain…

* Do you have a bit of oven cleaner left in your cabinet? Use it on that tough stain in your driveway. Spray it on, let it st for a few hours and rinse well with water. (Warning: Keep dogs, cats and kids away from the area as you complete this process.)

* The product Zout is a great way to remove old marks and blotches on your driveway. Apply a heavy layer of it on the stain, let it sit for five minutes, add powdered laundry detergent, water and scrub. Repeat the process as necessary. Once it is done, rinse the whole area with water.

* One popular method to absorb a stain is to add Kitty Litter to it. Make sure to grind it in with a pair of old shoes.

General care…

* On a bi-weekly basis, give your driveway a good sweep. Use a stiff push broom and make short, brisk strokes over it. You should direct debris away from the center of the driveway.

* With a simple solution of water and washing soda, clean your driveway monthly. The solution should be 1 cup of Arm and Hammer Washing Soda and warm water. Mix it in a bucket and scrub your driveway down with a push brush or long-handled brush. Then, rinse with water.

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