Downsizing the Home

The average size of a home in the United States is about 2500 square feet .However, for a seemingly endless list of reasons, more and more people are downsizing into smaller homes. They are building and moving into homes as small as 70 square feet. Granted, this is not the average size of these smaller homes, but some people find this space very adequate. There are several of these smaller homes under construction that average about 500 square feet. The size of the homes is relative to the needs of the occupant. Let’s find out some of the reasons why downsizing has become as popular with homes as it is with corporations.

* Some people are discovering they use their homes mainly for relaxing and sleeping. They reason that we only use up 12 square feet at a time when we sit or lay. They can do things like laundry and exercising somewhere else. These individuals feel that working out in a gym helps them to stay social.

* Rather than pay out large sums of money for apartment rent, they can afford to build a smaller home to call their own. The average amount of space is about the same, so nothing is lost there.

* For individuals unable or unwilling to spend most of their time cleaning and maintaining their home, a smaller home will free up their time for more important things in their life.

* Still, others are investing in these smaller homes as a second home, a vacation home, or a freestanding building along side of their existing home for use as a guesthouse or studio.

The benefits of living in a smaller house are a blessing to both the occupants and the environment.

* People who have built and moved into smaller homes have had to de-clutter their lives, therefore owning fewer possessions. Having a smaller home also means having smaller utility bills to pay.

* To build a smaller home requires less building materials and less land to put it on.

* Utilizing more efficient, natural, healthy, high quality materials for construction of a house will be more affordable for a smaller home. The end result here being, a home easier on the budget and the environment.

* Spending less money on house payments and maintenance means more money for important things such as family, vacations, and staying healthy.

It is not the size of the house that matters as much as the needs of the occupants their tastes, lifestyle and comfort level. I have included a couple of websites in this article if anyone would like to know about downsizing the home, click here and here.

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