Drag Racing in South Carolina: Dragways and Dragstrips

Drag Racing in the South is a staple of life. Speed, adrenaline, and nitromethane seem to go hand in hand. If you have the need for speed this weekend, here are the places where you can find relief inside of South Carolina.

Carolina Dragway
P.O. Box 70
Jackson, SC 29831
803-646-9604 or 803-471-2285
Location: 302 Dragstrip Rd, Aiken, SC, 29803

Carolina Dragway is a 1/4 mile asphalt dragstrip with an elevation of 350 feet. They Grudge match race and Test&Tune on Thursday nights and have IHRA ET Brackets, Grudge matches, and Test&Tune on Saturday nights.

Clarendon County Dragstrip
P.O. Box 1236
Summerton, SC 29148
Location: Silver Rd

Clarendon County Dragstrip is a 1/8 mile asphalt dragstrip with an elevation of 50 feet. They race on Sundays and it’s a free for all event with no specific categories.

Darlington International Dragway
2056 E. Bob Newsome Hwy
Hartsville, SC 29550

Darlington International Dragway is a 1/4 mile asphalt drapstrip with an elevation of 131 feet. They race Test&Tune and Grudge matches on Wednesday and Super Pro and Heavy classes on Saturdays.

Dorchester Dragway
P.O. Box 166
Dorchester, SC 29437
843-563-5412 or 843-563-1885
Location: 213 DeLee Circle, Dorchester, SC 29437

Dorchester Dragway is a 1/8 mile asphalt dragstrip with an elevation of 100 feet. They race IHRA ET Brackets once a month and Test&Tune on Sundays.

Greer Dragway
1477 Hwy 357
Lyman, SC 29365
864-879-4634 or 864-877-0457
Location: 1792 Dragway Rd, Greer, SC 29651

Greer Dragway is a 1/8 mile asphalt dragstrip with an elevation of 700 feet. They race Grudge matches and Test&Tune on Thursday nights and IHRA ET Brackets (Pro, Footbrake, Trophy, Jr. Dragsters) on Saturdays.

Jefferson Pageland Dragway
P.O. Box 2219
Indian Trail, NC 28079
843-658-3556 or 704-821-7355
Location: 3167 Peach Orchard Rd, Jefferson, SC 29718

Jefferson Pageland Dragway is a 1/8 mile asphalt dragstrip with an elevation of 300 feet. They race Grudge matches and Test&Tune on Fridays and IHRA ET Brackets on Saturdays.

Midlands Raceway Park
P.O. Box 746
Lugoff, SC 29078
Location: 835 Whitehead Rd, Lugoff, SC 29078

Midlands Raceway Park is a 1/8 mile concrete dragstrip with an elevation of 250 feet. They race IHRA ET Brackets, Grudge, and Test&Tune on Saturdays. Friday nights and Saturdays they race Grudge matches and Test&Tune.

Midway Dragstrip
2498 Williamsburg Hwy
Greeleyville, SC 29556

Midway Dragstrip is a 1/8 mile asphalt dragstrip with an elevation of 100 feet. They race ET Brackets on Satudays and on Sunday nights.

Orangeburg Dragstrip
204 Acaci Lane
Orangeburg. SC 29115
803-534-3428 or 803-534-8322

Orangeburg Dragstrip is a 1/8 mile asphalt dragstrip on an elevation of 250 feet. They race Test&Tune on Sundays with IHRA ET Brackets (Promods, 10.5 Races, Grudges matches, Door Slammers, Test&Tune) on Friday nights.

Ware Shoals Dragway
16564 Hwy 25
Ware Shoals, SC 29692
864-861-2467 or 864-861-9893

Ware Shoals Dragway is a 1/8 mile asphalt dragstrip on an elevation of 726 feet. They race Test&Tune on Fridays and IHRA ET Brackets (Pro, Footbrake, D.O.T., Motorcycles, Jr. Dragsters) on Saturdays.

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