Drawer Knob Decoration and Organization

You’ll sometimes find the drawer knobs at a yard sale or flea market. That’s the best bet for using them as home decor and organizers, since the knobs can cost a couple of bucks or more if you purchase them individually at a home improvement store.
Costs and styles of the knobs range considerably. Choose beveled glass knobs for an elegant look and you’ll pay about $3 a piece for them, retail. Choose wooden shapes and they’re about a buck or less, yet fit right in with some rustic decor styles. Select a style and color that will fit each room of the house.
Align a row of matching drawer knobs in a child’s room and he or she will have plenty of places to hang book bag, coat, umbrella and other items. This arrangement works for any bedroom. Hide the drawer knob arrangement by placing the knobs on the inside of a closet door to hang purses, belts and ties.
The dresser drawer knobs work great to hold things in the bathroom. Hang a small arrangement to hold towel and robe, or align several in a row to hold hair accessories, sachets, lotion applicator and other personal items.
Hang the drawer knobs in the kitchen and you’ll instantly have a place to hold spatulas, soup ladle, barbecue implements and other cooking necessities. Or, place one beside the stove to hold a hand towel. There are many uses for the drawer knobs in the kitchen.
In the laundry room the knobs can be hung to hold kids shoes, scarves, net bags for sorting clothes and more. At the back entrance – whether that’s in the laundry room or not – you can use the knobs to hold umbrellas, coats, hats and other items.
The knobs are even a big success out in the garage. You may want to choose something less decorative for the garage or shed, but the knobs still serve lots of purpose. They’ll hold all kinds of shop towels and rags, power tools, belts, rope, cords, and other items that generally get easily entangled. The drawer knobs keep everything up off the floor and you don’t have to fight cords trying to shove tools onto shelves or into drawers.
Drawer knobs are very handy and easy to install. Simply twist them into place and you’re ready to go. Look for the knobs at discount places before paying retail for them, though, or they’ll still be handy – but slightly expensive.
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design