Dream Homes for a Cause

Five fantasy playhouses have been donated by home builders of HomeAid Dallas, the charity of the Home Builders Association of Greater Dallas.

The event kicked off Jan. 14th at Stonebriar Centre in Frisco, TX and goes through March 4th.

The Enchanted Cottage/Opportunity House will be raffled off. Built by McCollum & Associates, it is a brightly colored showcase of colors complete with white picket fence and the porch is on welcoming you home. Janet White Interiors did the inside of the house which can be seen from the outside. Numerous building partners helped put the house together.

Seahorse Manor has a green balcony railing and two stories of a palette of rainbow vision. Built by Frost Interiors the house was designed by Michael Land who came up with the concept. The home will be auctioned off along with the other houses.

Corinthian House built by Corinthian Homes had part of its design done by Lindsay Lott. A two-story white colonial-style home it is elaborate in its detail.

Beazer Express Depot is a tiny red and beige home built by Beazer Homes. Brent Couch is the architect and Signature Merchandising did the interior design.

Little House on the Prairie house was built by Sotherby homes. The Plan Shop and Phil Satzman did the architecture and design using colors of yellow, green, and pink.

Raffle tickets are available at The Project Playhouse Village at Stonebriar Centre through March 4th.

HomeAid’s mission is to build dignified housing for homeless families and individuals who wish to live in the Dallas metro area to rebuild their lives. It is a public/private non-profit partnership program designed to increase the number of shelter beds by utilizing its expertise to identify effective, reputable shelter providers in local communities who are in need of new or expanding facilities according to projectplayhouse.info/about.

Sponsors include Citibank, Dave & Busters Restaurant, Fannie Mae Foundation, and Ebby Halliday Realtors, among others.

“The industry is busy but not too busy to build these homes,” said HomeAid Chair Doug Krah. “You make the time.”

HomeAid was founded in July 2000 and HomeAid America was established in the fall of 1989 by the Orange County Chapter of the Building Industry Association of Southern California, an affiliate of the National Association of Home Builders and is the nation’s largest provider of shelter beds for the temporarily homeless.

The 14th Annual Parade of Homes was held last year at Stonebridge Ranch.

For more information call 972-931-4840.

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