Dressing up for the Boston Anime Convention

If you missed the 2005 Boston Anime convention, you missed out on a lot of fun. There were hundreds of displays, an art show and even a concert, but the thing I found to be the most fun was all the people in costumes.

This activity is referred to as Cosplay. I did not wear a costume this year, however the majority of the people that attended the convention were dressed in there favorite characters’ attire.

After admiring the extravagant and often over-the-top costumes for a while I found out that being a Cosplayer has its advantages. First off you are treated like a celebrity. Everyone will stop you to get a picture, young girls scream your name, and the guys all want to shake
your hand.

It is as though you are the actual character, but beware, with fame
comes Glomping… What is Glomping you ask? It is a running leaping hug. Glomping is very reminiscent of how Hobbs typically greeted Calvin after school.

This often surprising and sometimes leveling way of greeting anime characters is a small price to pay, when it comes to all the other perks. There is also a Cosplay competition for the best costume in every category imaginable, and if you are lucky the staff will invite you to be part of the life-size Cosplay chess game and on the last night there is a Masquerade Ball held in their honor.

It is like a mini night at the Oscars. And if you can get through the crowd, you might see someone famous, like Sailor Moon.

So if you are able to attend an Anime Convention, don’t be afraid to
dress up and play the part of your favorite Japanese icon, but if you do
Cosplay, be sure to keep an eye out for Glompers.

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