Drink a Local Cup of Joe

I, one of the self professed coffee junkie must admit that a slow cup of joe is better than perky fast paced uncaring mega chain.

I was sitting in line, in my car this morning waiting for my fix. Grinding my teeth thinking how I really really really REALLY need my coffee and muffin.

Waiting. Waiting. Ordered. I asked for a sticker, something to put over the hole on my super standard coffee cup when miss perky told me ‘No’.

While it rubbed me the wrong way. I must admit it made me think. Why do I put myself through this routine in the morning. Why must I choose the mega chain. Mind you I’ve even worked for the mega chain. I was a perky little helper at one time in my life.

The answer was quite simple. I don’t need to choose them. I can go somewhere else.

I live in the middle of multiple coffee outlets in Capitol Hill in Denver and they all serve coffee and muffins. In the long run. It is I the consumer that will drive the industry and make the choices to go to the smaller more slow paced coffee places. Each cup is an adventure. It’s the trial and error of tasting coffee that makes the whole process fun.

So I’m slowing down my day and taking a break, something that we are cutting out of our daily routine, to just enjoy a cup of joe. We have no concept of a slow pace. We don’t enjoy the slow moments in our lives.

While I could list tons of local coffee bars and places. I think its up to you who might read this to stop and look around wherever you are and find a place to slow down.

It’s how we build a community outside of the net. It allows physically interaction, A walk away from the daily grind.

So. Stop, smile and sit down and drink a cup of local coffee.

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