Drive Traffic to Your Website

Drive Traffic To Your Website

Creating a website, increases the opportunity, bring new customers to your business, and increase sales. Your website, provides Internet users, information regarding products or services, your selling. Anyone can access your site, at their leisure, anytime day or night. The website should be updated periodically, with new information, and greetings, that attract and return repeat visitors. Getting the information seen by Internet users is critical.

Methods to Increase Traffic to Your Website

1.) When designing business cards, letterheads, sales literature, advertisement coupons or correspondence, always include website address. In flyers, list your website address, with a brief description. Your website address, should be listed, in the yellow pages, next to your business name and mailing address. Advertise your website, in niche market magazines or periodicals, that reflects your products or services. Depending on your budget, advertise on television and radio. The design of the website, should provide easy access to content, place an order or send an e-mail, to ask a question. Often, check your e-mails, and reply back to any inquires, within twenty-four hours.

2.) Create an E-mail Newsletter, quarterly or monthly, which list your website address, or link. Since, spamming is not allowed on the Internet, every recipient have the option, cancel their free subscription anytime. Depending on the cost, new subscribers that receive, your E-mail newsletter, could be offered a chance, enter sweepstakes for gifts or cash prize. Request your customers, clients or patients, provide an E-mail address, to receive your E-mail Newsletter. Periodically, update your website, and provide limited promotional sales, discounts or contests.

3.) Internet has many search engines, each provide, links to websites. Most active, search engines are Yahoo and Google, more frequently accessed, than Yellow pages. Keywords are entered, on search engines, to find information, product or service. When advertising your website, on search engine, create keywords (representing words listed in your website). When someone enters one of those keywords, Internet user is directed to a list of websites, including your own. Payment to advertise on search engine, depends on number of times, your website is accessed, and the cost of placing your website on a list. Higher upper on the list to be seen, will cost more money, but more likely to be accessed, then being listed on the bottom, which cost less.
Beware pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, has one major problem. Anyone can fraudulently click onto your website link, on a Internet search engine, many times. This increases your cost. Click fraud is an unscrupulous act of falsely clicking on pay-pay-click ads, to steal money, from online advertisers. Purchasing sophisticated software, which monitors clicks, and provide a detail report. Any abusive number of clicks to your website, would be detailed, in the report. The report would be sufficient evidence, for the Internet search engine, to reduce your charge. Clicksentinel and Click Authority software monitors clicks, to Internet websites.

4.) Reciprocal exchange or swapping links, increase number of Internet users, viewing your website. As well, links on your website to other sites. Exchange networks or banner exchange, serve the same purpose. An Incentive, have your website listed on another site, by providing affiliates a percentage of sales, when accessing your link, and placing an order. Also, same benefits applies, to your website, by providing links to other sites.

5.) Actively, participating in newsgroups, website forums, and Blogs, presents your opinion, and opportunity to mention your website. When responding intelligently to questions, builds goodwill, lead to new customers, accessing your website. By word of mouth, your friends, relatives, and E-mail buddies, your site becomes popular.

6.) The Website Amazon.Com sells many products, which are linked to websites. Contact Amazon. Com, and other retail websites, for the opportunity, to sell products, listed on your website. Internet users that come to your website, increase the opportunity, to purchase additional merchandise.

7.) Signature file is available, on many e-mail programs. Typing in a message, and link to your website, displayed on every
E-mail you send. Saves time, having to repeat this process, and not forgetting, to provide the information.

8.) Write or purchase articles, on subjects or topics, related to products / services, listed on your website. These articles are informative, to capture the attention of readers, to purchase a related product, from your site. Articles can be submitted to free directories, which are linked to your website.

9.) Logo printed on an E-mail, can link viewers to your website (Process by paste, and copy). The logo can appear, many times on E-mail newsletter, or banner. The logo could be a Trade Mark, of your business. Would become recognizable over time.

10.) Website should have security features, which safeguards credit card transactions, with an encrypt format. CyberCash software, and, safeguards credit card transactions, for E-commerce. Most popular online payment services, use website Within your website, have links to these sites or others E-commerce banking sites.

11.) Magnet signs placed on side doors of any vehicle, promotes name of the business, brief description, and E-mail website address. Magnet signs are custom made, laminated, endures any weather, available in many colors, and advertise anywhere on the road. Depending on your budget, pay people to attach a magnet sign, on their vehicle, whenever they drive.
Advance Signs and Designs, custom designs magnet signs.
Address: 706 West Waters Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33604 – Telephone number: 813 – 931 – 4500 – E-mail:

12.) Incentive to bring new customers to your website, offer a discount for first time purchase. Furthermore, offer free shipping / delivery cost for total orders, over a certain amount. This should be highlighted, on the top portion of your website, and mentioned in a E-mail Newsletter.

13.) If possible, take request for items not listed on your website. Try to purchase the item, from another business or website. Consider, sending information to customer by e-mail, were to locate their merchandise, from another site. However, this may draw a customer away, from your website, in the future or promote your website, for being honest. Hopefully, create a reciprocal partnership, with other websites, for referring Internet viewers.

14.) Provide access, to a toll free telephone number. Some customers prefer placing an order by phone, than on the Internet. Also, answer questions, and useful, when Internet service has any technical problems.

15) Establish a referral program. When Internet user or customer (If you have established store or business), would receive a small commission, referring first time customer order. Consider send a thank you card, enclosed with scratch off – lottery (Optional), to the recipient, of the referral.

16.) When receiving a complimentary E-mail or letter, place a copy, on your website.

17.) Purchase an advertisement, on paid to click website. Anyone can subscribe, to paid to click website for free. The subscriber gets paid a small amount (less then a penny a site), viewing an advertisement, from a website, usually less then one minute (Most of the time). While the website is being advertised, the subscriber has the option, to click onto a link to the website. An opportunity for someone to view your website, and possible make a purchase. Paid to click websites include:,,, and many more.

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