Drought Brings Snake Alert in Tennessee Valley

In recent days of drought, Valley residents have found snakes on their washing machines, snakes crawling up the glass of their windows, and snakes on their walking paths. The snakes normally avoid human activity, but a need for water is forcing them into new patterns. Gates says that the only defense against this invasion is to seal off basements and crawl spaces beneath homes. It is also a good idea to keep lawns closely mowed and brush piles away from the house. Gates does not suggest using moth balls as a deterrent, although he admits that he has heard the old wives’ tale. If a snake does decide to visit during this drought, Valley residents might call Bill Owens, a volunteer who is willing to catch the reptiles and release them back into the wild. Bill is known as the snake buster in the area. Gates also points out that the drought could be very helpful in diminishing the number of future snakes. As the rats and mice die from starvation, the snakes’ numbers will probably diminish from a lack of food.
Source: Tiffeny Hurtado, The Decatur Daily online, “Snake Alert in the Valley.”
URL: http://www.decaturdaily.com/decaturdaily/news/070620/snakes.shtml