Drug Addiction and Treatments

Drug addiction can be treated when the treatment is tweaked for individuals. It is possible for patients to lead normal lives, despite their addiction. Just like people living with any other disease, people must do their part to deal with their addiction. This might include simple behavioral changes or possibly taking medication.

Often in overcoming addiction, people must make changes in their behavior. They might have to undergo counseling, join support groups, or attend therapy sessions. This is not uncommon in dealing with any kind of addiction. Medication can be helpful when the addiction includes a physical craving.

Generally, treatment programs must be followed and completed in order to get the best results. A person who has completed all twelve steps of an alcohol program is less likely to relapse than someone who only completed seven or eight of the steps. There are no permanent quick fixes to drug addiction.

Often mistaken for a quick fix, medication can be helpful in treatment. Along with proper therapy and support, for instance, methadone hydrochloride can be useful in treating heroin addicts. These controlled doses of methadone hydrochloride can help stop the cravings for the heroin. It allows addicts to stop being dependent on heroin so that they can lead normal, productive lives. While methadone clinics tend to be successful, the clinics that provide counseling and psychotherapy along with the methadone are more successful than those that provide minimal services.

Other forms of therapy also exist. For people who have only had a short history of drug abuse, outpatient, non-medicated treatment is useful. This type of treatment usually involves some sort of counseling, whether it be group counseling or individual sessions.

For people who have a longer history of drug abuse, residential treatment centers are usually the answer. The programs at these treatment centers can vary from weeks to months, depending on the individual’s level of dependency. Someone with a serious, long-term addiction might have to stay in one of these communities anywhere from six to twelve months. For people who have had less trouble functioning in a normal society, three to six weeks might be sufficient. In either case, the stay at the treatment center is followed up by extensive outpatient therapy.

Choosing a type of treatment can be a difficult task. Every individual is different, and this must be taken into consideration when choosing treatment. No single treatment works for all individuals.

When someone finally takes the step to get treatment, it may or may not be the best time or place for such a life-changing event. That is why the treatment must be readily available. Some form of treatment is better than none. For instance, if a heroin addict decides to seek treatment, it wouldn’t serve him/her to go in search of a methadone clinic in the middle of the night. However, waiting to seek treatment of some kind could result in the addict changing his/her mind and not going through with treatment at all. No matter what, finding some form of treatment is most important. Changing treatment in daylight hours is much easier in the long run.

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