Drug and Alcohol Abuse Help in Manchester, New Hampshire

If you know of someone in New England that needs help with drug and alcohol abuse, below are 5 places in Manchester, New Hampshire that can help.

Habit Management offers programs to help those who need help in attaining a drug free lifestyle. They offer several different locations and each location has different types of programs. They have a system of screening, assessment and what treatment options are best for you. Reviews and supervised withdrawal are offered. They help with follow up and discharge.

Habit Management
1415 Elm St.
Manchester, NH 03104
Tel. 603-622-4747

Thomas Institute of Hypnosis offers hypnosis to help one stop using drugs and stop abusing alcohol. Each session is 45-60 minutes and costs $95.00. Follow up sessions cost $60.00. If you’re nervous about the idea of trying hypnosis in front of others, they offer private sessions.

Thomas Institute of Hypnosis,
70 Blodget Street,
Manchester, NH 03104

New Life offers a family styled approach for mothers and those expecting that need help cleaning up a drug addiction without leaving their children. New Life resides in a home on 6 acres of land where mothers aren’t separated from their children while they are getting help for their problems. It’s one of the few places in New Hampshire that allows children to stay with their mother while they are receiving help. Because of the ever growing applications to be accepted, they have branched out and are expanding so more women all over can be helped.

New Life Ministries of NE Incorporated
(603) 624-8444
782 River Rd
Manchester, NH 03104

Westbridge offers duration of 1-3 month stays for men who need help with substance abuse. Others may stay for a shorter time to kick start the healing process. Each patient has individual and group counseling along with 24 hour support and motioning. Recovery is promoted by eating balanced meals, attaining a regular sleep cycle and daily activities. When applying you’ll need information such as :

Substance use
Name, address, D.O.B
Current Employment status
Current medications
Medical conditions
Financial information
Legal Status
Literacy Level
What you’re looking to attain in the future.

WestBridge Community Services
1361 Elm Street
Suite 207
Manchester, NH 03101

Teen Challenge New Hampshire offers men a 15 month resident program. To be able to be eligible for the program you must have the following:

An Interview with the Intake Coordinator
A state or picture ID
Social security card
A physical that includes blood work for HIV, hepatitis, and STDS
The time for a 15 month program and 6 months of aftercare
$500.00 non refundable fee
$200.00 monthly fee paid by sponsors
Documents on any court cases and what current medication you’re on.

Teen Challenge New Hampshire Men’s Induction Center
147 Laurel Street
Manchester, NH 03103
Phone: 603-647-7770
Fax: 603-647-7570

Regardless of who you decide to go with, remember to always read the fine print and conditions before hand. Contact if you have any questions and check out with the Better Business Bureau how the company rates with others.

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