Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers in Chicago, Illinois

Drug and alcohol rehabilitation center in Chicago, Illinois are some of the best in the world. The city of Chicago offers a myriad of substance abuse rehabilitation services and a large number of centers to choose from. Clearly it is important to choose a rehabilitation center that can help you achieve your goals of a substance free lifestyle. Deciding which treatment center is the one for you can be as difficult as the decision to get help. When choosing a substance abuse rehabilitation center it is important to keep in mind the focus of the center, the services provided, types of treatment (in-patient and out-patient), as well as any special services they may provide. Some centers offer a special focus on women, adolescence, HIV/AIDS patients, and individuals with mental as well as drug abuse problems. With these details in mind you can quickly choose a substance abuse rehabilitation center in Chicago that suits your individual needs.

Academy for Counseling Inc. offers a focus on drug addiction treatment, drug detoxification, drug rehabilitation, and substance abuse treatment. They specialize in treating DUI/DWI offenders as well as co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders. The Academy for Counseling Inc. is an outpatient only facility, an important detail to keep in mind. They provide drug rehabilitation services, drug detox services, drug addiction treatment, and substance abuse treatment. They are located at 810 East 81st street, Chicago, Illinois, 60619 and can be reached via the telephone at (773) 723-6002.

Ada S McKinley is and outpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation center in Chicago, Illinois. Their main focus is mental health services. Acting as an outpatient treatment center they provide numerous services including alcohol treatment, drug detoxification, rehabilitation, and substance abuse treatment. Ada S Mckinley is an ideal rehabilitation center for adolescence that have substance abuse problems. They specialize in the treatment of adolescence. Offering a wealth of knowledge in the area of younger substance abusers they can provide that extra care that can be required in the care of younger patients. They are located at 2715 West 63rd street, Chicago, Illinois, 60624. More information about their substance abuse treatment services can be reached by contacting them at (773) 434-5577.

Advance PC is a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center in Chicago, Illinois that specializes in the treatment of gay and lesbian individuals as well as pregnant and post partum women. They focus on treating the mental health of their patients as well as treating their substance abuse issues. Advance PC is an out patient facility that provides many services including drug addiction treatment services, drug abuse treatment services, alcohol treatment, and alcohol rehabilitation services. They are located at 2334 West Lawrence Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60625. More information can be obtained by contacting them at (773) 293-1770.

Keeping your individual needs in mind when choosing a substance abuse rehabilitation center in Chicago, Illinois can help make the process less daunting. Remember to research the focus of the center, the services provides by the facility, whether they offer inpatient or outpatient services, and any special focuses they may provide. With these key pieces of information you can be confident that you have chosen the substance abuse treatment center that is most suited to your personal needs.

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