Drug or Alcohol Rehab Centers in Houston, Texas

Finding a drug or alcohol rehab center in Houston, Texas is not a hard task. Houston has many drug and alcohol rehab centers available, with each offering services such as inpatient, residential and outpatient and are available for males and females. Adults and adolescents both benefit from these services.

Outpatient services are available at nearly all the centers in Houston. These clinics offer outpatient services both adults and adolescents. Some of these clinics specialize in either adults or adolescents and may even specialize in men or women. These outpatient clinics are listed below:

All About Recovery, Inc. has 250 slots available for adults in 2 locations.
Casa Phoenix and the Association for the Advancement of Mexican Americans, Inc., have 180 slots available for outpatient services for adults and adolescents in 3 locations.
Bay Area Recovery Center has 100 slots available for adults.
DAPA Family Recovery Center has 190 slots available for adults in 3 locations.
Bonita Street “House of Hope” has 120 slots for adults.
Caldwalder Behavioral Clinics, Inc. offers outpatient services for both adults and adolescents with 50 slots.
Alternative Treatment Program has 500 slots available for outpatient treatment for adults.
Refocus Substance Abuse Program has 50 slots available for adults.
Charleston Rehab-Behavior County and Vocational Evaluation Center has 60 slots available for adults and adolescents.
Clear Lake Counseling Services, P.C. Inc. has 40 slots available for adults and adolescents.
The Oates Road Therapeutic Community Program has 120 slots for male adults.
Darlof Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center has 85 slots for adults and adolescents.
Lieutenant’s House has 100 slots for adults and adolescents.
David and Ivory Ministries has 100 slots for adults and adolescents.
DePelchin’s Children’s Clinic has 34 slots for adolescents.
Chemical Dependency Outpatient Program has 30 slots for adults and adolescents.
Directions of Recovery, Inc. has 100 slots for adults.
Dr. Crimson and Associates, Inc. has 400 slots for adults at two locations in Houston.
Embassy Wellness Center has 30 slots available for adults and adolescents.
Families Under Urban and Social Attack, Inc. has 725 slots for adults and adolescents in 5 locations throughout Houston.
First Step Counseling of Houston, L.L.C. has 220 slots in 2 locations for adults and adolescents.
Sunrise Recovery Programs offer 150 slots for adults.
Goldnet Corporation has 40 slots for adults and adolescents.
Gulf Shores Academy has 120 slots for adults and adolescents.
Health 1st Clinic and Rehabilitation offers 80 slots for adults and adolescents.
Hispanic Counseling Center has 50 slots for adults and adolescents.
The Center for Recovering Families-Healing Choices has 170 slots available for adults and adolescents.
The Houston Launch Pad has 12 slots available for male adults.
Houston Northwest Rehab, L.C. has 40 slots available for adolescents at one location and 30 slots available for female adolescents at another location.
The Houston Umbrella, Inc. has 10 slots available for female adults.
International Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Inc. has 200 slots available in 2 locations for adults and adolescents.
The Jones House, Inc. has 100 slots for adults.
Joyfull Health Care has 100 slots for adults and adolescents.
L-H Transitional Center, Inc. has 50 slots available for adults and adolescents.
Leslie Wade King dba Community Counseling Associates has 145 slots available in 3 locations for adolescents and 20 slots for male adolescents.
Lifestream Behavioral Health has 400 slots available for adults and adolescents in 2 locations.
Brighter Days Ahead Outpatient Program has 100 slots available for adults and adolescents.
Mateen’s Helping Hands, Inc. has 200 slots available for adults and adolescents.
Memorial Hermann Prevention and Recovery Center has 42 slots available for adults.
Montrose Counseling Center, Inc. has 90 slots available for adults in 2 locations.
New Dimensions has 40 slots available for adults and adolescents.
New Life Foundation, Inc. has 100 slots available for adults and adolescents.
New Lite Counseling Center, Inc. has 300 slots for adults and adolescents.
Noah’s Glen Residential Treatment Center, Inc. has 100 slots available for adults and adolescents.
Omegashepherd Healthcare Services has 100 slots available for adults and adolescents.
Passages, Inc. has 10 slots available for adult females.
Path To Success has 30 slots available for adults.
Positive Decisions, Inc. has 100 slots available for adults and adolescents.
The Recovery Foundation has 15 slots available for adults.
Recovery Houston Institute has 20 slots available for male adults.
Houston Recovery Campus/RGH has 70 slots available for adults and adolescents.
Riverside General Hospital has 30 slots available for adults.
Road To Recovery 20 slots are available for male adults.
Southwest Recovery Zone has 300 slots for adults and adolescents.
Northeast Recovery Zone has 300 slots for adults and adolescents.
Southeast Recovery Zone has 300 slots for adults.
Santa Maria Hostel, Inc. has 385 slots in 5 locations throughout Houston for adult females.
Set Free DAT Center, Inc. has 350 slots available for adults.
Singapore Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Center, Inc. has 100 slots available for adolescent day treatment, 30 slots available for adult and adolescent outpatient services and 30 slots available for adolescent outpatient services in 3 locations.
Solutions Counseling and Consulting, Inc. has 200 slots available for adults and adolescents.
Southwest Counseling Services has 100 slots for adults and adolescents.
St. Paul Counseling Services has 100 slots for adults and adolescents.
Star of Hope has 100 slots for adults.
Sunrise Healthcare Services has 100 slots available for outpatient adults and adolescent one-day treatment.
Swinn’s Counseling Services has 100 slots for adults.
The Right Step has 325 slots for adults and adolescents in 8 different locations throughout Houston.
The Texas House has 40 slots available for adults.
Cypress Creek CD Intensive Outpatient has 80 slots available for adults and adolescents.
Texas Prevention Network, Inc. has 100 slots available for adults and adolescents.
The Serenity Center has 120 slots for adults and adolescents.
Texas Treatment Centers, Inc. has 50 slots for adults.
Adult Chemical Dependency Intensive Outpatient Program has 48 slots for adolescent day treatment as well as outpatient services for adults and adolescents.
Trinity Assisted Recovery Center has 100 slots available for adults and adolescents.
Trinity Drug and Alcohol Recovering Center, Inc. has 70 slots for adult and adolescents.
Triumph Recovery and Counseling Services has 100 slots available for adults and adolescents.
The Turning Point, Inc. has 775 slots for adults and adolescents and 475 slots available for male adolescents in 6 different locations.
Unlimited Visions Aftercare, Inc. has 650 slots available for adults and adolescents and 250 slots available for female adolescents in 4 different location.
Urban and Community Health Services, Inc. has 80 slots for adults.
Versatile Drug and Alcohol Rehab., Inc. has 100 slots for adults and adolescents.
Visions and Dreams has 150 slots available for adults and adolescents.
McGovern Campus has 140 slots available for female adults in 3 locations.
Burress Street has 60 slots for adults.
Volunteers of America Texas, Inc. has 16 slots available for female adults.
The Waymaker has 100 slots available for adolescents.
Addend Incentives has 40 slots available for adolescents.
The Wingate Family Clinic has 50 slots available for adults and adolescents.
Cheyenne Center has 84 slots available for adults.

Houston inpatient clinics include:
Casa Phoenix has 32 beds available for residential inpatient services for adolescents.
Bonita Street “House of Hope” has 32 beds available for residential inpatient services for adults.
Caldwalder Behavorial Clinics, Inc. has 22 beds available for residential inpatient adult and adolescent services.
Cenikor Foundation, Inc. has 180 beds available for residential inpatient adult services.
Center For Success and Independence has 44 beds available for intensive residential adolescent services.
The Oates Road Therapeutic Community Program has 247 beds available for residential inpatient services for male adults.
Lieutenant’s House has 15 beds available for residential inpatient services for adults.
Directions of Recovery, Inc. has 40 beds available for supportive residential services for male adults.
Extended Aftercare, Inc. has 60 beds available in 5 locations for male adult residential inpatient services.
The Houston Launch Pad has 6 beds available for residential inpatient services for male adults.
The Houston Umbrella, Inc. has 6 bed available for female adult residential inpatient services.
L-H Transitional Center, Inc. has 9 bed available for male adult residential inpatient services.
Memorial Hermann Prevention and Recovery Center has 42 bed available for detox ambulatory, detox residential, intensive residential and supportive residential adult services.
Noah’s Glen Residential Treatment Center, Inc. has 5 beds available for supportive residential adolescent male services.
Odyssey House Texas, Inc. has intensive and supportive residential adolescent services.
The Recovery Foundation has 4 beds available for residential inpatient adult services.
Recovery Houston Institute has 16 beds for residential inpatient male adult services.
Houston Recovery Campus/ RGH has 180 beds available for intensive and supportive residential adult and adolescent services.
Edith Irby Jones Health Care Center has 20 beds available for intensive residential adult services.
Southeast Recovery Zone has 32 beds for residential inpatient adult services.
Santa Maria Hostel, Inc. has 118 beds available for intensive and supportive residential female adult services.
Shamar Hope Haven Residential Treatment Center has 13 beds available for intensive and supportive residential male adolescent services.
Star of Hope has 30 beds available for residential inpatient adult services.
The Right Step has 48 beds available for residential inpatient adult and adolescent services.
The Next Step has 48 beds available for residential inpatient male adult services and 55 beds available for residential inpatient female adult services.
The Texas House has 100 beds for intensive and supportive residential adult male services.
McGovern Campus has 74 beds for intensive and supportive residential female adult services.
The Waymaker has 15 beds available for supportive residential adolescent male services.
The Women’s Home has 18 beds available for supportive residential female adult services.
Zebra, Inc. dba Cheyenne Center has 96 beds available for intensive and supportive residential adult male services.

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