Duct Tape and Its Creative Uses

There are many uses for duct tape, and you can find web pages created on this topic all over the internet. Within my family and circle of friends over the past 20 years, I have seen duct tape in some unusual places and that is the focus of this article.

Creative uses for duct tape
I had gone the home of a friend back in 1985 to a party and the man of the house had attempted to create a beer refrigerator out of this old refrigerator. He struggled to make the hole for the faucet for sometime before he passed out that night. Good thing he passed out because his wife was livid when she had seen what he had done. When he woke up later the next day, she was still angry about it and said they needed a refrigerator for food and not for his beer. She threw him out along with his refrigerator, which he attempted to fix with duct tape.

Creative uses for duct tape
I was reminded of that use for duct tape when I returned home from camping two weeks ago and seen duct tape in my own refrigerator. My eighteen-year-old son decided not to go camping with us, but remained at home. While he was, taking care of some things in the door of the refrigerator, that bar which holds items inside safety broke and was not fixable. He then preceded to use duct tape where the bar should have been and claimed it fixed. So now, in my refrigerator I have orange duct tape in my white refrigerator.

Creative uses for duct tape
When my brother became a single parent to his four children money got suddenly tight as he was minus the other income in the family. He spent all his money on his children, their needs, and the household bills. This left little for him when his own clothes wore out, so when his winter jacket got a hole in the elbow he grabbed a piece of duct tape and slapped it on. That worked well until Christmas time when Santa gave him a new jacket via our parents.

Creative uses for duct tape
A few years ago, there was an old farmer who lived nearby and rather then buy a new pair of work boots just because the sole began to come off he added duct tape and it worked for him.

Creative uses for duct tape
Living within a five-minute drive to the New York border, I realize some of the hidden differences between the states. The cars in New York, do not have to be as thoroughly inspected as the cars here in Pennsylvania, so occasionally you do see cars with large rust holes in them that would be junked in Pennsylvania driving with New York plates. Some owners allow the holes to remain and some just duct tape the holes.

Creative uses for duct tape
I seen a bumper duct taped to a car, yes imagine that but the funniest thing I saw was on an old ford truck. The tailgate was bright yellow duct tape, I walked passed the truck and seen this first hand. There was no metal tailgate on this truck it all it was 100 percent yellow duct tape. They say that duct tape is strong but wonder if the owner ever carried anything in the back.

Creative uses for duct tape
My friend who is a police officer had a strange unusual call on day and he and his partner responded. The caller stated she was trapped in her bedroom and unable to free herself. The officers found her duct taped to the bed, as one would expect to find someone handcuffed for pleasure. Her boyfriend had used the duct tape with her permission and then had passed out shortly after tying her up. So how did she call? Her five-year-old daughter dialed the phone.

Creative uses for duct tape
Around the campsite, there are several uses for duct tape, but one that works really well is to duct tape to smaller tarps together to cover multiple picnic tables placed near one another. As the wind whips around the tarps stay together as the duct tape truly is reliable to withstand the extreme wind that sometimes happens.

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