Dukes of Hazzard Not that Amusing

Much like the old program, the plot involves the Duke cousins stopping the nefarious plans of evil Boss Hogg (Burt Reynolds) and his henchman, Sheriff Roscoe P Coltrane. Bo(Sean William Scott), Luke(Johnny Knoxville) and Daisy(Jessica Simpson) are the aforementioned cousins.
The guys get involved in an offroad race, which Bo’s baby – The General Lee – has won four times previously. Thru plot machinations we learn that Boss Hogg plans to use the race as an oppurtunity to push his plan of turning Hazzard into a strip mine.
Daisy helps the guys thru her use of sex appeal and their Uncle Jesse(Willie Nelson) makes the appropriate wise cracks. Basically it feels like a plot from a few different episodes. Other than a trip to Atlanta(and what I’m assuming was Georgia Tech), the film doesn’t go outside it’s TV framework.
The principles are adequate in their parts. Knoxville and Scott have a natural chemistry, which makes you buy they’re close family. Scott has the meatier role, but both have about the same a mount of screentime.
The minor players go the full spectrum. Reynolds is in full scenery che wing form. MC Gainey is almost as outlandish as the sheriff. Nelson doesn’t have much to do, but crack one liners. Simpson is appropriately saucy as Daisy.
Of course the real star of the piece is probably The General Lee. Whether it’s flying over highways, tearing down backroads, or just purring, the car really shines. The chase scenes were well done with the outtakes on the credits showing that they wrecked several to perform all the stunts(defintely watch the end credits they’re a riot).
This is really a film only fans of the show will appreciate. For the rest of us, it’ll be sort of amusing, but forgettable.
* 1/2 out of ****