Dyscalculia in Children

Dyscalculia is a specific type of learning disability. It is often diagnosed early in a child’s educational career and typically causes the child to struggle with math and numbers. It can be a very frustrating disability for anyone, especially children.

Children with Dyscalculia, as with many other learning disabilities, may seem disorganized and may often be tardy to things. Teachers may be frustrated with the child who often has a messy desk, loses assignments and is late for every class. The child is most likely frustrated also. The parents may be even more so.

Dyscalculia goes beyond organization and punctuality. There are several other key factors that a child may exhibit with Dyscalculia. Just what are those factors and what should be done if someone suspects that their child has this type of learning disability? If your child exhibits one or more of the following symptoms, it is recommended that the school counselor be called and a meeting set up to discuss whatever concerns anyone may have.

-The child has trouble with spatial problems and lining problems up correctly. Math papers may look messy and unorganized due to this.
-A child may write numbers backwards or out of place.
-A child may have trouble sequencing numbers in the correct order.
-The child may have trouble using a calculator for solving problems.
-Children with Dyscalculia often have trouble telling time (thus the tardiness to things).
-Commonly struggles with money and managing money or budgeting.
-Often knows basic math facts, but also often forgets them.
-Frustrates and struggles just to master basic math concepts.
-A child with Dyscalculia often gets lost easily.
-Struggles using a map to find cities, states and countries. Often forgets where things are located.
-Many times has problems keeping score during a game.
-Often omits numbers or adds extra numbers when doing math work.
-Has trouble with recall of numbers.

A child with Dyscalculia often exhibits several of these symptoms. If you notice your child struggling with math, is�¯�¿�½also�¯�¿�½easily frustrated, and�¯�¿�½often wants to quit doing any type of math work, then look over his or her assignments. Do you notice any of the above symptoms by glancing through the work? If so, talk to your child; ask how he or she feels and why math is so hard.

Children with Dyscalculia often are embarrassed and don’t tell anyone what is happening to them when numbers or math are the topics. If no one else notices the signs or symptoms, the child can’t get the help he or she needs. Most likely, a teacher will notice the signs of Dyscalculia, but often times it is over looked, even in the school setting.

If you notice the symptoms and have not heard the same from the school, contact the school and request a meeting. This is the first step in getting your child the help he or she needs to be successful. There are things that can be done to help children with Dyscalculia. The first step is working with the school and getting the proper testing done. If your child is determined to have Dyscalculia, then your child will be eligible for special education services. This is one of the greatest ways to help a child with a learning disability.

Dyscalculia is a learning disability. It can cause a great struggle to the child who has it or may have it. The most important steps to take are first knowing the signs, then working with the school and eventually finding the best route to take with your child, should an official diagnosis be made.

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