Earth Day Presents for Your Home

Earth day is just around the corner and celebrating it by doing something ecofriendly can really prove your spirit for the day. But you don’t have to do something ecofriendly just one day a year. Do one or all of these five ecofriendly home improvement projects and you can be sure you’re going to help the planet every day of the year including Earth Day 2012.
Your lighting accounts for nearly 15 percent of your overall energy use . By installing ecofriendly light bulbs like CFL’s, you can easily and affordably help save the planet by reducing your energy intake. Changing to compact florescent light bulbs can save you hundreds of dollars annually, making them a cost effective strategy for saving energy at your home or business.
Solar Power
Saving electricity on your lighting doesn’t have to be just an indoors thing. Outdoor security and landscaping lighting can help keep your home secure at night or when you’re away, but it can quickly add up your electric bill. By installing your own solar powered security lights , you can instantly transform your entire outdoor lighting system into a free to run solar powered setup without the need for electrician’s skills or special permits. Simply plug in the solar panel and light fixture into the battery and you’ll have an instant outdoor lighting system that won’t hurt the environment.
Ceiling Fans
Your space cooling system is the biggest energy hog in your entire home and accounts for 22.4 percent of the energy consumed . That’s why reducing the strain of cooling your home by installing a ceiling fan is the best way to lower your home’s cooling costs. A ceiling fan can even help circulate warm air from heating registers in the winter and reduce overall heating costs as well. Ceiling fans are easy to install using this guide and a few basic hand tools. Ceiling fans make for a cost effective and instant strategy for reducing your air conditioning and heating bills.
Programmable Thermostat
Reduce your heating and cooling costs even further by installing your own low cost programmable thermostat . These easy to install units require no electrical knowledge to install and can be done in a matter of minutes for less than $50. Use a programmable thermostat to turn AC and heating units off when you’re not home and save energy on Earth Day and every day after.
Programmable Water Heater Timer
Installing a programmable water heater timer can be a cost effective solution to saving money on your homes energy bill. Even when you’re not at home, your water heater is consuming energy heating your water supply. Use a programmable timer to save money on your energy bills and reduce your impact on the environment at the same time.