Easter Egg Hunting

What a fun Easter activity, Easter egg hunting is! It all begins with purchasing eggs at the store. The number of eggs to purchase depends on how many kids will be Easter egg hunting.

I would buy a dozen per child. I prefer the plastic eggs, but this is a personal preference. You can buy the real eggs if you wish, and an Easter egg decorating and dye kit. If you have chosen real eggs, be sure you boil them until they are done. You can then proceed to dye and decorate your eggs for your Easter egg hunt. Be sure to purchase at least a few of the small and large plastic eggs to hide prizes in.

For my Easter egg hunting activity, I like to be sure all of the eggs are filled with some kind of treat. The smaller ones are good for holding things like jelly beans, small chocolate eggs covered in foil, and money prizes like quarters. For the larger plastic eggs, you can include prizes such as, miniature chocolate covered rabbits, marshmallow rabbits, and dollar bills. I also like to have one egg with the largest prize of a five dollar bill.

After all of the eggs are filled with money and treats, it will be time to hide those eggs. When hiding the eggs, try to stick with a general area, such as, if you are hiding them outside, try to keep the hidden eggs only on the front or the back lawn. This will help ensure that you do not forget where most of your eggs are hidden. Good places to hide the eggs are always in flower beds, flowers pots, around the bottom of trees, in high patches of grass, and under small piles of pine straw. If you have younger children participating, you will want to hide some easy ones to make sure they have a good Easter egg hunting experience.

Now that all of those eggs are hidden, be sure that all of the children have baskets or pails to hold their eggs as they find them. When given the OK, the older children will run out the door to find Easter eggs, as fast as they can. It is generally not a bad idea for the adults to help the smaller children along in finding some eggs. When no one can find anymore eggs, have all of the children sit down to count their eggs in their baskets. This is when you make sure that all of the eggs were found. In the case, all of the eggs were not found, send the children out to continue Easter egg hunting.

Once all of the eggs have been found, the children can count their eggs to see who found the most Easter eggs. It is always fun to get a prize for finding the most Easter eggs. The prize can be whatever you choose to give. Always have smaller prizes for the rest of the children as well. They might not have found the most, but they did find some, and made a good effort when it came to the Easter egg hunting game.

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