Easy Cleaning Tips – Free Up Your Evenings

Are you tired of spending your evenings doing household chores after a long, hard day on the job? Does it seem as if you are cleaning all the time and you never have time for yourself or the family? If so, then it is time to enjoy coming home to a clean house and use the time that you would normally spend cleaning up after yourselves from the morning rush, to do things with the family.

By incorporating a few easy steps into your morning routine you can free up a lot of time in the evening, leaving the time you need to spend with your family.

This will take a few minutes in the morning and you may have to set your alarm back, but the reward at the end of the day is well worth the extra effort. Of course you will need to solicit the help of each family member. It will not be easy at first. However, if you continue and be consistent in doing these chores every morning they soon become a part of you morning routine, almost as important as brushing your teeth.

I have heard it said that it takes just 21 days to break or change a habit. Try this for 21 days and reap the rewards of coming home to a fresh, clean house every evening. Use the time saved to have a sit down dinner with the family, join them in family fun and activities that otherwise you might miss. Below are a few steps you can take to help.

After your shower and before leaving the bathroom, spray and wipe down the shower doors, basin and counter tops. Do not forget the mirror.

Spray inside the toilet and swish the toilet brush around a couple of times and flush.

Make your bed. It might seem like a waste of time, especially when you are in a hurry to get ready, and out the door. A made up bed makes the entire room neater.

De-clutter. Put away toiletries, jewelry, accessories and hang clothes back in the closet, especially if you tried on several outfits.

After breakfast, put dishes in the dishwasher, and all food items either in the trash, in the pantry, or in the refrigerator.

Spray and wipe down the counter tops and sink.

Spray air deodorizer in the kitchen on your way out the door.

Be sure to keep plenty of your favorite anti-bacterial spray cleaner handy in both the kitchen and bathroom. My personal favorite is anti-bacterial Fantastik. I like the clean scent it leaves in both rooms and use it frequently. If the kitchen is clean, the bathrooms are clean, and the bed is made, your house will be a much neater place to enjoy coming home to.

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