Easy Off Glass Top Cleaner Review

Easy Off Glass Top Cleaner Review: Uses
Easy Off Glass Top Cleaner claims to clean, shine, and protect your fstove. This sounds like the perfect all in one product. But, would it really be effective?
Easy Off Glass Top Cleaner Review: Ease of Use
Easy Off Glass Top Cleaner is very easy to use. This product comes in a spray bottle and you simply spray the product on your stove and wipe it off. If you have stubborn stains, you are supposed to leave the product on the stain, and allow it to do its magic, before wiping clean.
Easy Off Glass Top Cleaner Review: Effectiveness
While this does sound like a wonderful product, Easy Off Glass Top Cleaner isn’t very effective. This product would easily clean grease from your stove, but it doesn’t do a good job with stains, boil overs, or other stuck on food. In fact, you’d be better off using water and a paper towel.
Easy Off Glass Top Cleaner Review: Price
An 8.5 ounce bottle of Easy Off Glass Top Cleaner will cost around $4. This wouldn’t be a bad price, if the product worked.
Easy Off Glass Top Cleaner Review: Satisfaction Rating
I would have to give Easy Off Glass Top Cleaner 2 stars. I like that this product is easy to use and it also has a great scent. Unfortunately, this product does a horrible job. Easy Off Glass Top Cleaner is a great way to make your stove shine, just don’t expect it to get clean in the process. I certainly can’t recommend buying this product. If you have a glass top stove, there are several other products that do a much better job. Stay tuned for a review on one of my favorites.