Easy Remedies and Formulas

Remedies, formulas, cures and other concoctions cost money and sometimes don’t even work well. Many old fashioned formulas from long ago work great but over the years people have quit making them and opted for purchasing these items instead. Go back in time and rediscover some of these potions and your life will be easier – not to mention the money you’ll save.

Outside you can keep the mosquitoes away from your home by planting castor beans. Purchase the seeds from any farm and garden store and start them indoors. After they’ve grown a few inches plant them outdoors. Mosquitoes hate the smell of them and will stay away. But, be forewarned, they grow quickly and almost uncontrollably.

Grow fruits and flowers must larger than normal by adding iron sulfate to the watering can. Only use the treated water once for every eight to ten times you water. And if you’re a farmer, yield much more growth by soaking seeds first in lervuilinic acid. The stuff is very cheap and will usually double your crops.

Camping out but can’t find clean water? Treat even the most stagnant water with iodine. For each quart place about 10 drops of iodine and allow to sit for an hour or so. You can now drink the water without risking bacteria or internal infections.

Want to catch the biggest fish? Try 1 oz oil of rhodium and a half-ounce of oil of anise. Rub bait with the mixture and fish can’t resist. Is deer meat more to your liking? Never fail to bag one by dabbing oil of anise on hat or hair, clothing, hands, and face. Throughout the day rub the oil on again and again. It will cover up the human odor for deer and draw them closer. And, to clean your gun, don’t buy expensive oils – use clear mineral oil instead.

If your car battery seems to be weakening dissolve an ounce of Epsom salts in warm water and fill each cell. Use regular household ammonia to clean spark plugs. Keep your tools from rusting by boiling them in benzoate of soda.

Inside, use collodion, watered down with ether, to preserve cut flowers and keep them looking fresh indefinitely. Or, sprinkle powdered silica gel into the water.

Remove coffee or tea stains from just about anything by using glycerine. Remove water marks from furniture by dissolving paraffin shavings into cooking oil. Rub the mixture one way on the wood and watch stains disappear. Remove chewing gum from carpet or throw rugs by using turpentine.

Candles burn twice as long if you first dip them in liquid shellac. Hang to dry. Shellac also keeps the wax from dripping.

Make roach killer by mixing a half-pound of Borax with 30 oz of powdered sugar and adding a half-ounce of cocoa powder along with one ounce sodium fluoride. Place in cabinets, behind refrigerator and stove and other places where roaches are known to frequent, but keep away from animals and children. Or, mix equal parts of plaster of Paris with oatmeal and sprinkle out of reach of children and animals.

Make all purpose cleaner by mixing one ounce of trisodium phosphate with warm water. Use in laundry, counter tops, floors and other areas. Another all purpose cleaner that is great for rugs and linoleum is an ounce TSP with a gallon of warm water.

Make silver cleaner by mixing one part nitrate of silver with three parts cyanide of potassium. Add water to make a paste. Wear gloves to use.

Bed bugs are discovered in most any bed – no matter how clean your home is. To rid yourself of these microscopic pests mix equal parts of wood alcohol and creosote.

Nail polish remover is simple to make: mix 6 parts acetone with 4 parts ethyl acetate.

Mix unused perfume with water and spray around the room for instant odor control.

Most chemicals used in these formulas can be found at a farm and garden store or a home improvement store. Follow instructions carefully. Keep all mixtures away from kids and animals.

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