Easy Steps for Resurfacing Concrete Walkways, Patios or Driveways

Resurfacing concrete is an easy way to improve the appearance of a concrete walkway, patio, or driveway when the actual structure of the concrete is sound. While you can hire someone for resurfacing concrete projects, consider doing it yourself. Not only is this an easy project to tackle for many homeowners, but you also can get some experience working with concrete that can be applied to other projects.

Begin by cleaning the area you plan on resurfacing completely. A firm bristled brush should be enough to remove any surface dirt or loose concrete, but be sure remove any mold as well.

With the resurfacing area cleaned, dig a trench around the concrete that could contain a about 4″ x4″. This will allow you to put some basic formwork around the area you are resurfacing, making it easier to put a thick layer of new concrete.

For formwork you will need several stakes 12 inches long and enough 2″x4″ pieces of lumber to surround the perimeter of the area you are resurfacing. To build the formwork, place the lumber against the side of the slab, raised above the surface by 1″ to 2″. Drive the stakes on the outside of the lumber, and screw through the stakes and into the lumber to hold the 2″x4″ pieces in place. Check and make sure that the formwork is level; the top of the formwork will give you a guide for resurfacing.

Before pouring, mark any control joints present on the old slab on the outside of the formwork. This will help you recreate them later. Sometimes the new layer will have difficulty bonding with the old slab. For this reason it is best to apply a layer of concrete bonding adhesive. Try using a paint roller to apply the adhesive over a large area.

Prepare the concrete mix you plan on using according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Apply with a shovel to the surface you have prepared for resurfacing. Use a board resting on top of two opposite pieces of formwork to smooth the top of the pour. Find the low spots and fill with more mix, then repeat the smoothing process.

When the mix completely fills the formwork you can use a float to create a smooth surface. To do this, work in a circular motion over the top of the area you are resurfacing. When water starts to rise to the surface, beware that you should finish floating as soon as possible. Cut control joints with your trowel over the old ones and your job is complete.

Resurfacing concrete is an easy job for someone who wants to learn about concrete and has the patience to do the job correctly. Remember that concrete does not dry; it cures, so it is important to clean all of your tools before the mix can harden on them. Also keep in mind that resurfacing concrete can be physically difficult: be sure you are up to the task or call a professional to complete the job for you.

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