Easy Steps to Make Sure Your Air Conditioner Works Perfect All Time

If the conditioner is installed in the windows so that most of the housing extends on the outside, and the metal case is securely fastens, it is all right to pull the machine forward as it will remain balanced. However, if the machine is only partly mounted into the room takes the precaution of placing a wooden box or other support under the case before drawing out the chassis, which is quite heavy. Use a vacuum cleaner with the brush attachment to remove accumulated lint and dust, making sure the ventilator fins are clear for air passage. If necessary, reverse the vacuum hose to blow dust out of the fins. Wipe the coils and meter housing with a clean damp cloth. Check the fan meter to see if it has any lubricating cups and if so, add oil. The filter is located directly behind the front louvers, extending all the way across so it can be lifted out from the top. The woven plastic or metal type is renewed by flushing under faucet. Wash in detergent if the filter greasy. The fiberglass type should be replaced with a new one at the start of each season, and again each month to insure maximum cooling benefits. Check the wiring to see that the terminals are tight and the cord insulation undamaged. Then slide the mechanism back and replace the cover.
Now think back to last summer to recall any breakdowns or annoyances with that particular unit. Did the fuses blow every so often? Was there a tinny rattle or excessive vibration? Some of these conditions can be corrected or at least alleviated. Best cure for an overloaded circuit is to bring in a separate line for the air conditioner. This is not necessarily an extensive job, as a separate circuit line can be carried directly to the room concealed inside the walls, or through a conduit attached outside along the house wall. But if your house has inadequate wiring, installation of a larger electrical service may be required, and is worthwhile for efficient use of modern appliances. Noise problem may be inherent in the operation of the machine, but sometimes they result from a loose hinge or missing gasket on the exhaust door. The source can be tracked down by operating the machine with the cover off. Vibration in the walls results when an installation is not adequately braced. if the matter is sufficiently bothersome, fit a brace under the machine and insulate with rubber or felt padding. In any event, the opening should be tightly caulked both inside and on the outside. Conditioners installed in double-hung windows should be thoroughly checked to make sure that the supports are adequate and that the sash is tight so that it doesn’t rattle when the machine is running.
A frequent cause of service calls is a worn electric receptacle which results in the uncertain contact with the plug prongs. Replace the receptacle with a new one, or get the locking type of plug that twists into the receptacle and can’t be dislodged by vibration.
For a conclusion, you can follow this step below for guiding air conditioners maintenance:
1. Lift out filter located behind the condenser coils. Woven plastics type is cleaned under faucet. Other types should be replaced with new ones.
2. Clean the air defectors and casing with a brush or vacuum cleaner. Check the wire insulation and connections.
3. With machine cover off, clean compressor coils, housing, etc, thoroughly with vacuum hose and damp cloth.
4. Where necessary, reverse vacuum hose to blow out lint from evaporator fins, and inside the case. Wipe fan meter with cloth, apply a few drops of oil to bearings.
5. Check electric cord and wall receptacle, which are common causes of conditioner failure.
6. Check outside supports of large machines that extend out quite far from the window. If they are loose or rusted, replace them.