Easy Tips for Fast Cleaning!

Tips to help clean those messy spots in that house of yours faster!

Tip 1)Have a microwave that needs to be cleaned badly, But you don’t feel like sitting around and scrubbing it all day. Well heres what you do. Get a lemon and cut it in half. Get a microwaveable bowl and fill it half way with water. Then place the lemon inside the bowl of water with the sliced side of the lemon facing down in the water. Place the bowl of water with the lemon into your microwave for about 2 minutes. Next open your microwave and remove the bowl of water with the lemon in it and take a wet sponge and wipe it down. The water and lemon when heated in your microwave should have loosened up all that grim sticking inside of it. It should be easy to wipe up and clean within a minute. If not place the water and lemon back in the microwave for about another minute and wipe away. Its fast, easy, and safe to use.

Tip 2) So you have a stuff stain in your clothing such as, ink, blood, coffee, BBQ sauce, butter, ketchup, etc. Easy all you need to do is grab a teaspoon of dish soap, 1/2 cup of cold water, and 1cup of hydrogen peroxide, and mix together in a bowl or cup. Take a wet cloth or tooth brush and slightly dab and scrub the stain out. You can also just poor the mixer onto the stain and let it sit for a couple of hours and it should come out on its own. Then place in washing machine, and your stain should come all the way out.

If this doesn’t work use shout! Works wonders! Love the Stuff!

Tip 3) Okay so your house doesn’t smell that great and the carpets have a funky mildew scent. Heres what you do. Take one box of baking soda and 1 cup of die free lavender bath salt and mix together and sprinkle onto carpet and allow to sit for about 10 minutes. Then vacuum and your carpet should be refreshed and deodorized. Works wonderful.

If you don’t have lavender bath salt just sprinkle baking soda down it still removes odors. Then vacuum up!

Tip 4) So you bought some Tupperware and new dishes, But they have that darn sticker tag on them and you don’t have the patients to scrub it of. Take a teaspoon of vitamin E oil and a teaspoon of olive oil mix them together. Then take a couple of drops of it with an eye dropper and put on top of the sticker and let set for a minute . Then Just wipe off. It works awesome for me.

Tip 5) So you hate scrubbing that toilet bowl, Heres what you do place 4 tablespoons of baking soda in it and one cup of vinegar. Let it all set in there for about 10 to 15 minutes, should scrub up fast after, and then flush. Super easy!

Tip 6) You got a clog in your sink that just wont go away, and it needs to be cleaned, but you can’t clean it until the clog is going. Well heres away to kill two birds with one stone. Take 1/4 of a cup of baking soda and dump it into the drain of your sink and some all inside of it. Then take 2 cups of Vinegar and 4 tablespoons of dish soap with de-grease and poor that into the sinks drain as well. This will gently blast the clog out of your sink fast, sometimes it takes a few minutes. Then after wipe the sink with a paper towel and let some hot water run down the drain for about 2 minutes until you know for sure the clog is gone. This is safer than that draino stuff and is great to clean with.

Tip 7) Okay your house is smelling funny and you don’t have time to run out and get a candle or air freshener because company is coming over. This is what you do, Take a piece of fruit such as and apple or a pear, peaches work great too. Cut them up and place 5 table spoons of Cinnamon on top of them, 6 tablespoons of sugar, and 4 tablespoons of butter. Place all ingredients in a pan wrap with tin foil and place in a 300 degree oven or crock pot on medium. This will give your house a nice warm welcoming sent, and you will also have a great treat for your guest. No one will notice your house smelt funny, and tummy’s will be full.

Tip 8) So your kids new shoes smell horrible already, and you don’t have the money to buy him new ones, but you don’t know how to clean them? Take 6 tablespoons of baking soda, 6 tablespoons of baby powder, and put all inside of your child’s shoe’s at night. Let the shoe’s sit with this mixer in it over night and then shake outside all the stuff in them in the morning. Works Fantastic, and it doesn’t wreck the shoe. Plus saves you money! Now that Rocks!

Tip 9) Alright, So you ran out of cleaning products, you don’t have time or the money to run out and by some. Simple! all you need to do is take a whole orange squeezed and 1 cup of vinegar and place into a spray bottle. Then you got some simple orange clean that will remove any mess safely. Work pretty darn good when your in a pinch!

Well I hope this helps some of your messy situation outs! Enjoy!

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