Easy Ways to Get Stains Out of Tupperware Containers

I would not want to use something that looks dirty, even if it is clean. I had to find ways to solve the problem – at least temporarily. Use my suggestions for cleaning plastic food containers instead of tossing them into the recycling bin or trash. With a little time and effort, they can look clean again, even if they are pitted.
Start with a Baking Soda and Water Scrub
Baking soda is a gentle cleaner that will remove stains from a number of surfaces. It often works to get stains out of Tupperware containers. Apply a little baking soda to a damp sponge, and gently scrub the stains. If the discoloration is not too deeply embedded, it will come out. Use the same sponge to gently scrub the sink. It will shine beautifully, and unlike abrasive cleaners, the baking soda will not scratch.
Use a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to Magically Erase the Stains
Mr. Clean brand Magic Erasers really do work like magic. When baking soda does not work to get stains out of Tupperware brand containers, I pull out a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. I have saved many items from ending up in the trash. Slightly dampen the Magic Eraser, and firmly rub it over the stains. The marks should come off if they are not too deeply embedded.
Use a Solution of Ten Percent Bleach, Water and Dishwashing Liquid
If baking soda and/or a Mr. Clean brand Magic Eraser does not work, make a solution of ten percent bleach and warm tap water. Add a drop or two of dishwashing liquid that contains grease cutter. Allow the Tupperware containers to soak for at least thirty minutes. The stains should fade completely away.
Prevent Future Stains in Tupperware Containers with Cooking Spray
After removing the stains from Tupperware brand containers, spray them with cooking oil right before storing anything that would stain the plastic. It will help prevent the substance from sticking and becoming embedded. Also, do not microwave Tupperware brand containers to the point of boiling the contents. They will become damaged, and once the surface is pitted, it will absorb foods that will stain.
Source: Personal and Professional Home Care Experience