Easy Ways to Remove Bingo Dauber Ink from Painted Walls

Someone that plays bingo considers a dauber a very useful marking tool. It replaces the usual plastic chips and makes the game faster and far easier to play. To a young child, the over sized game implements look like giant markers, and the walls look like a great surface for coloring. If a child has used your painted walls as a canvas, use these effective ways to remove the ink until finding one that works. In any case, try to get rid of it right away. The longer the bingo dauber ink remains on painted walls, the more difficult it will be to remove.

Precautionary Statement

What works for some to remove the mess, might not work for others. Success depends upon a number of factors. The paint type and how long the bingo dauber ink has been on the walls are determining factors. Try removal products in small doses to determine what will work before going over the entire area with something that will only smear it around.

Use a Mr. Clean Eraser to Remove Bingo Dauber Ink on Flat Painted Walls

A Mr. Clean Magic Eraser is one of my favorite cleaning tools. It really does work to magically erase away all sorts of smudges and marks, and it can work to remove bingo dauber ink. When my sister’s son wrote on her flat painted walls with my mother-in-law’s red bingo dauber, I told her to use a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to remove the mess. However, if the paint was not flat, I would have suggested an alternative option. Mr. Clean Magic Erasers should not be used on shiny surfaces of any type because they will sand away the shine.

Try Rubbing Alcohol or Hand Sanitizer to Remove the Marks

If you cannot use a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to remove bingo dauber ink on painted walls, try rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer gel is easiest to use. Simply apply it with a clean dry rag, and begin working on one small spot of bingo dauber ink. If it removes the ink without taking off more than just a little paint, continue working on the remaining walls. It will take a little effort, but many people have been able to successfully remove bingo dauber ink on painted walls with rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer.

Use Hairspray to Dissolve and Remove the Ink from Painted Walls

Hairspray is great for more than just holding strands of hair in place. It can literally breakdown the damaging ingredients in permanent markers including bingo dauber ink. When trying to remove bingo dauber ink from walls, use cheap hairspray. Try it on a small line before spraying it all over the walls. Allow it to work for several seconds before attempting to remove it. If the marks have not soaked into the painted surface, it should come off. No matter your cleaning product of choice, gently over the painted walls as many times as necessary to completely remove the bingo dauber ink.

Source: Personal Experience and Cleaning Knowledge

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