Easy Ways to Soften Rough Beach Towels

Beach towels can become very rough and scratchy after several uses. Even after they are washed and dried as usual, they are still as stiff as ever. They also lose absorbency. Do not turn them into rags or throw them away. It is possible to soften rough beach towels and restore their capacity to soak up moisture. The products used during the washing and drying process can make a tremendous difference. I use beach towels in my bathroom. They coordinate with a tropical fish and seashell theme, and they have remained as soft and as absorbent as the day they were purchased.

Begin by Shaking Out the Sand

Never place sandy fabrics into the washing machine. It is highly abrasive and hard on the parts. Also, it can become embedded into the material and make it rougher than ever. Before attempting to soften rough beach towels, briskly shake out the sand outdoors. Taking the time to shake out the material can make a tremendous difference.

Add White Vinegar to the Water Before Washing

Begin by filling the washing machine with the hottest water recommended for the fabric. Add two cups of white vinegar for a large load, one cup for a medium load and ½ cup for a small load. Allow the rough beach towels to soak for approximately one hour. The white vinegar will naturally soften the material while dissolving lotions, body oil, old fabric softener, soap and anything else that can ultimately make them rough.

Wash the Rough Beach Towels as Usual

Add your usual detergent after staring the agitator, and wash the rough beach towels as usual. The vinegar will initially create a strong smell, but it will dissipate during the washing and rinsing process. If the option exists, set up an extra rinse cycle. The beach towels will smell fresh and clean, and they will be noticeably softer, even before drying.

Forget About the Fabric Softener

Fabric softener can eventually build up and cause beach towels to become rough and stiff. When soaking and washing the material with white vinegar, softener is not necessary. The beach towels that were once rough and scratchy will come out extra fluffy and incredibly soft. They might even be softer than ever.

Source: Personal Household Washing and Cleaning Experience

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