Easy and Inexpensive Ways to Seal Leaky Windows

Sealing air leaks in your house is surprisingly easy and can save you money on your energy bills. Sealing leaks in your house will also make your home more comfortable and will even allow you to lower your thermostat in your home. Lowering your thermostat even just 2 degrees can dramatically save you money on your energy bills. Leaky windows are one the biggest sources of energy loss in a typical house. There are simple and inexpensive ways that you can seal your leaky windows and save money on your energy bills this winter.

Seal Leaky Windows With Removable Caulk

The first way that you can seal your leaky windows in your house to save you money on your energy bills is to use removable caulk. You can purchase a tube of removable caulk for approximately $5 at your local home improvement store. One tube of removable caulk can do anywhere from 4-5 regular size windows in your house. Apply the removable caulk over the cracks between the movable parts of the window and the stationary parts of the window. Don’t run your finger over the line of caulk but just allow it to dry on the window. It will eventually harden on the cracks. When spring time comes, simply pull off the removable caulk from the window. If you have any remaining residue from the removable caulk on your window, use a mineral cleaner to wipe them off.

Seal Leaky Windows With Plastic Film Covers

The second way that you can seal a leaky window in you home to save you money on your energy bills is to use plastic film covers. Plastic film cover kits are available at the local home improvement store. Depending on how many windows you have in your house, it could cost you anywhere from $25-$75 to cover all your leaky windows in your home. To put up the window film covers, apply double-sided tape to the window casing. This is usually included with the kits. Cut the film cover to the approximate size of the window, leaving a few inches on one side. Start at the top corner and apply the film cover to the tape all around the four sides of the window. Use a hair dryer to remove any wrinkles in the film cover. When winter is over and you want to open your windows, simply take the plastic film cover down and pull off the tape from the window casing. The tape removes quite easily and will not damage the finish on the casing.

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