Eating Disorders: How to Shed Pounds the Healthy Way

Ok, so lets start off with common questions/misconceptions/statments. My assistant Betty Sue (BS) will help me out:

BS:”Weightloss is hard!”
J: It sure as hell is- when your’e 1st starting out. Once you get going, it will be easy as pie….or shall we say low fat pie.

BS:”I am fat and ugly.”
J: Your’e not fat.

J: Ok just kidding. Nobody likes a self pitier. You are an individual. A human being. You are beautiful. You have feelings and emotions. You are capable of love. You may not think you are and who knows, right now you may not be. But it is still there, buried behind the walls of insecurity you’ve put up. You are a beauitful person!

BS:”Meet my friend’s Ana and Mia!”
J:What are you 9? Anorexia and Bulemia are dangerous eating disorders that kill thousands every year.
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* Anorexia nervosa: the relentless pursuit of thinness

o Person refuses to maintain normal body weight for age and height.

o Weighs 85% or less than what is expected for age and height.

o In women, menstrual periods stop. In men levels of sex hormones fall.

o Young girls do not begin to menstruate at the appropriate age

o Person denies the dangers of low weight.

o Is terrified of becoming fat.

o Is terrified of gaining weight even though s/he is markedly underweight.

o Reports feeling fat even when very thin.

o In addition, anorexia nervosa often includes depression, irritability, withdrawal, and peculiar behaviors such as compulsive rituals, strange eating habits, and division of foods into “good/safe” and “bad/dangerous” categories. Person may have low tolerance for change and new situations; may fear growing up and assuming adult responsibilities and an adult lifestyle. May be overly engaged with or dependent on parents or family. Dieting may represent avoidance of, or ineffective attempts to cope with, the demands of a new life stage such as adolescence.

* Bulimia nervosa: the diet-binge-purge disorder

o Person binge eats.

o Feels out of control while eating.

o Vomits, misuses laxatives, exercises, or fasts to get rid of the calories.

o Diets when not bingeing. Becomes hungry and binges again.

o Believes self-worth requires being thin. (It does not.)

o May shoplift, be promiscuous, and abuse alcohol, drugs, and credit cards.

o Weight may be normal or near normal unless anorexia is also present.

o Like anorexia, bulimia can kill. Even though bulimics put up a brave front, they are often depressed, lonely, ashamed, and empty inside. Friends may describe them as competent and fun to be with, but underneath, where they hide their guilty secrets, they are hurting. Feeling unworthy, they have great difficulty talking about their feelings, which almost always include anxiety, depression, self-doubt, and deeply buried anger. Impulse control may be a problem; e.g., shoplifting, sexual adventurousness, alcohol and drug abuse, and other kinds of risk-taking behavior. Person acts with little consideration of consequences.

* Binge eating disorder

o The person binge eats frequently and repeatedly.

o Feels out of control and unable to stop eating during binges.

o May eat rapidly and secretly, or may snack and nibble all day long.

o Feels guilty and ashamed of binge eating.

o Has a history of diet failures

o Tends to be depressed and obese.

o People who have binge eating disorder do not regularly vomit, overexercise, or abuse laxatives like bulimics do. They may be genetically predisposed to weigh more than the cultural ideal (which at present is exceedingly unrealistic), so they diet, make themselves hungry, and then binge in response to that hunger. Or they may eat for emotional reasons: to comfort themselves, avoid threatening situations, and numb emotional pain. Regardless of the reason, diet programs are not the answer. In fact, diets almost always make matters worse. Information reported in the March 2002 New England Journal of Medicine suggests that for some, but not all, people a genetic flaw in combination with lifestyle factors can predispose to binge eating and subsequent obesity.

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Ok, on to the safe, fool proof way to lose weight.

Complex carbs (CC):

CC’s are a used by your body as a form of energy. Unlike sugar, CC’s give your body slow burning, long lasting energy. It is popular among long distance runners and swimmers alike.

Common CC’s:

Brown rice
Other root vegetables
Wholemeal breads
Granary bread
Brown bread
Pitta bread
Wholegrain cereals
High fiber breakfast cereals
Porridge oats
All bran
Shredded wheat
Ryvita crispbread

Ok, so.

“What happens when you cut out CC’s?”

Well your body has to resort to something else for it’s energy. Your fat. It’s that simple.

“Ok! So what if I cut out EVERYTHING?!”

You will die.

If you stop eating all together, your body will store your fat and eat your muscle. (sort of a built in survival mechanism) That’s why you wake up in the morning having not eaten anything and you feel as if you’ve gained weight or that you haven’t lost any at all. BECAUSE YOUR BODY IS STORING IT.

That is why you must eat healthy.

Here are some healthy foods:


Lean meats and beef
Fish (just about every fish is high in protein, anything from tuna fish, to salmon, to shrimp)
Egg whites

There are many other high protein foods, but these are the basics.

Simple Carbs- Good

Strawberries < - -great site for a full listing.
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Eat breakfast. Break-Fast. Your’e breaking your fast. Feeding your body it’s nutrients so that it can function and burn fat.

Don’t eat 3 hours before you goto bed. Why? Because it will just sit there.

Get enough sleep! Energy for the next days fat buring, people!

Drink WATER. Cleanses your system and flushes out toxins. Water FILLS you.

Don’t snack on sugary foods. If you have to, try non fat yogurt, fruit, or a card board box. Just kidding.

Eat smaller portions! Duh.

Eat 3-4 meals a day Boosts metabolism. Your’e eating healthy, so it doesn’t hurt you AND you’re making your body digest, which takes energy, which BURNS.

CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO!!! If eating right is the lock, cardio is the key. You will shed shed shed if the two are paired together! Do at LEAST 3 30 minute – 1 hour long sessions a week. Break a sweat!

Never go below 1500 calories per day, simply exercise more often when if this target is reached

Cut calorie intake by 200-250. NO, don’t stop eating, REPLACE those high calorie foods with low calorie ones!

Eat alot of protein. A must. Fish, meats, protein shakes, etc.

And finally, a little golden nugget:

Eat healthy for 6 days out of the week. Reserve one day to eat absolutly anything you want. Why? Because it shocks your bodies metabolism into speeding up. After 6 days, your body will become use to it’s metabolic rate and will not budge. This extra day will “own” your body and trick it into going “hardcore”. Plus, you freakin’ deserve it!

So! Now that you are educated, you can go about losing weight the right way, without dying.

Results will show within 1-2 weeks, I promise. No joke. When you look in the mirror just keep telling yourself “It’s only day ***. I’m working on it. It’s early. Keep going.”

Take pictures of yourself and date them, for record. Do not suck in. Take them from all angles. Do this every week on the same day. They will be good for visual reference on how far you’ve come.

This is especially good if you’re lifting weights. (WHICH I RECOMMEND TO EVERYONE)

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