Eating Healthy; Fact or Fiction?

First; consider carefully your choices. Sure, that hamburger sounds good; and it’s ready to go, right then and there. Howver the majority of Fast Food chains now offer healthier alternatives; such as grilled chicken burgers and chef salads.
Second; even if you do get the hamburger; you don’t have to swallow half your daily calorie intake with that one meal. Eating a smaller hamburger may not sound like much; but it is one step closer to a healthier life style.
Third; don’t over eat. The biggest problem with our society is portion size. The average adult human [weighing anywhere from 150-200 lbs] does not need three full sized hamburger patties. Believe it or not, bigger is definitely not better in the case of food. Even if you stomach is telling you ‘Im really hungry, now!’, don’t give in to the biggie sized fry and tripple patty hamburger.
Fourth; and closely related to that, Is Don’t skip meals. Sure, everyone’s busy. But you can short your body out if you go all day without eating, then suddenly gorge yourself. A body that thinks it’s starving will have the tendency to store more fat for later use; so the key is to eat regular, small meals. It doesn’t half to be a full sit down meal; but a decent snack every few hours will keep you from over eating at the end of the day.
Five; don’t eat when you’re depressed; or in need of comfort. Many, many people eat when they are nervous, tired, or upset, and that’s bad for your body. You’re body is telling you ‘I feel bad’ not ‘I’m hungry.’ We all realize it’s hard, not to develop these habits; but try hard not To do that. And, if you have kids; encourage them not to eat for comfort either. Obesity is a growing problem for our youth today, and as parents, it’s you who needs to put a foot down when it comes to comfort eating; or ‘I’m bored’ eating, or eating in excess at any time.
Another thing that should be carefully considered is dieting. Probably, at one time or another, you’ve considered going on a diet to loose that stubborn belly. However; before going to extreme measures; consider the wisdom of each diet.
For instance; Some diets are called ‘high protein diets.’ The thing to consider, though, is what this is really doing to your body. Your body needs protein, it’s true. But, it also needs calories to burn when you expend energy. If you’re not eating calories, you are basically starving your body of what it needs.
Sure, you lose weight, but in the meantime; that much protein can cause side affects like heart disease, stroke, and even death.
Some diets encourage eating very little; or substituting pills and smoothies for meals. These diets should be carefully monitered; because these can fool you into harming your body. [And, a note of caution about smoothies. Even if the smoothie contains only healthy things, like fruit or veggie’s, you can stack up a lot of calories in that one glass; so always be careful about how much you take.
To put it truthfully, no diet is a promise. Everyone is different, and must personally find out what’s best for them. Healthy eating, a healthy lifestyle, and consistent body maintanance are the only things that can truely make sure you stay healthy, happy, and in physical shape.
The power to choose, and to change, is in your hands. Use it wisely.
; and closely related to that, Is. Sure, everyone’s busy. But you can short your body out if you go all day without eating, then suddenly gorge yourself. A body that thinks it’s starving will have the tendency to store more fat for later use; so the key is to eat regular, small meals. It doesn’t half to be a full sit down meal; but a decent snack every few hours will keep you from over eating at the end of the day; don’t eat when you’re depressed; or in need of comfort. Many, many people eat when they are nervous, tired, or upset, and that’s bad for your body. You’re body is telling you ‘I feel bad’ not ‘I’m hungry.’ We all realize it’s hard, not to develop these habits; but try hardTo do that. And, if you have kids; encourage not to eat for comfort either. Obesity is a growing problem for our youth today, and as parents, it’swho needs to put a foot down when it comes to comfort eating; or ‘I’m bored’ eating, or eating in excess at any time. Another thing that should be carefully considered is dieting. Probably, at one time or another, you’ve considered going on a diet to loose that stubborn belly. However; before going to extreme measures; consider the wisdom of each diet. For instance; Some diets are called ‘high protein diets.’ The thing to consider, though, is what this is really doing to your body. Your body needs protein, it’s true. But, it also needs calories to burn when you expend energy. If you’re not eating calories, you are basically starving your body of what it needs. Sure, you lose weight, but in the meantime; that much protein can cause side affects like heart disease, stroke, and even death. Some diets encourage eating very little; or substituting pills and smoothies for meals. These diets should be carefully monitered; because these can fool you into harming your body. [And, a note of caution about smoothies. Even if the smoothie contains only healthy things, like fruit or veggie’s, you can stack up a of calories in that one glass; so always be careful about how much you takeit truthfully, no diet is a promise. Everyone is different, and must personally find out what’s best for them. Healthy eating, a healthy lifestyle, and consistent body maintanance are the only things that can truely make sure you stay healthy, happy, and in physical shape. The power to choose, and to change, is in your hands. Use it wisely.