Eco-Friendly Green Cleaning Guide for Your Home

Eco-friendly home cleaning guide for wood floors and wood furniture
I have a lot of wood in my home and with six kids I have learned that nothing in our home will stay cleaned for very long. I found this solution at The Daily Green and found that it truly does work for wood floors. They start off by stating that wood floors should never be cleaned with water and I found this out the hard way. The water causes the wood to have water stains and overtime it will actually ruin your wood floors. The solution to your green cleaning is to use one-quarter cup of white vinegar mixed with 30 ounces of warm water. This solution can be placed in a recycled spray bottle and used to spray your wood floors with. This solution is also great for wood furniture.
Eco-friendly home cleaning guide for disinfecting floors
One thing that I can stand is for my floors to be walked on by bare feet knowing that the floor hasn’t been disinfected in a while. If you add 2 gallons of hot water to a half of cup of borax then you will have a great floor disinfectant.
Eco-friendly home cleaning guide for an all -purpose cleaner
I have seen many people use this mixture on dishes such as pots and pans, on stoves, and on other items that need a tough degreaser. This is completely safe and it works to get grease off of items. The mixture includes 2 tsp baking soda, 1 pint of warm water, and a squirt of either lemon juice or vinegar. This mixture can be placed in a recycled spray bottle and used as necessary. I found this great green cleaning recipe at Mother’s Moon.
Eco-friendly home cleaning for Silver
I wanted to add a little bit of green cleaning in my home but was upset when it came to the silver. I tried many home cleaning products that were eco-friendly and couldn’t come up with a solution until I talked to my mother. My mom is from Mexico and was raised in an area that didn’t have a lot of money and so a lot of the cleaning products that they used were all home made and eco-friendly. The mixtures that she told me to use consisted of placing aluminum foil into a bowl and sprinkle the inside of the bowl with salt and baking soda. After you have formed the mixture you will need to add warm water. After you are done you can place the silver into the bowl and the tarnish will actually start pulling away from the silver and onto the aluminum foil. I was highly impressed with this recipe for green cleaning and I use it often. Once the tarnish as been removed you can take the silver and wipe it off with a wash cloth.
Eco-friendly home cleaning guide for freshening up the air
I have heard that vinegar and baking soda are great to freshen the air in a room. I had to give this a try since my children are in sports and the air in our home isn’t that pleasant. The green cleaning recipe includes 1 teaspoon of vinegar and 1 teaspoon of baking soda mixed with two cups of hot water in a spray bottle. I added a squirt of lemon to mine to add a bit of a lemon scent to the rooms but I did find out that it works great since the vinegar deodorizes the air while the baking soda actually starts to absorb the odors.
Eco-friendly home cleaning guide for brightening up laundry
If you want your clothes to come out of the washer spelling fresh and looking brighter than ever then you must try adding �½ a cup to the load. I love doing this and found that it actually does make your clothes keep its new colors and makes them look great.
Eco-friendly home cleaning guide for laundry detergent boosting
Adding half a cup of baking soda to your laundry detergent will actually help to soften the water and therefore you can actually use less laundry soap to every load. I have also found that baking soda works as a great agent in getting odors out of clothes.
Let this be your guide to eco-friendly home cleaning for all your green cleaning needs. I have tried each of these and have been truly impressed with their outcomes. I love green cleaning and plan to use it everyday for eco-friendly home cleaning.