Eco-Friendly Housekeeping Products by Howard Naturals

Eco-friendly Housekeeping Products by Howard Naturals offer an alternative means of cleaning and maintaining ones home without the worry of chemical pollutants. The all natural housekeeping products offer a wide selection of products to take care of the most routine of cleaning chores. Using Eco-friendly Housekeeping Products is safe for the family, the environment, and more importantly is a step toward sustainable living.

The collection of Eco-friendly Housekeeping Products by Howard Naturals provides alternative to the most used daily products including the following; Howard Naturals Eco-friendly Granite and Countertop Cleaner, Kitchen Cabinet Cleaner and Polish, Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish, Wood Cleaner and Polish, Wood Preserver and even an Eco-friendly Fragrance Free Upholstery Cleaner.

With the current decorating trend many people have granite and marble countertops. Granite and marble don’t come cheap and when you consider this is an investment, it would only seem reasonable that the best products would be used. Howard Naturals makes an Eco-friendly Granite and Marble Cleaner is does not contain harsh abrasions or harmful chemicals. Ingredients of the all natural product include; water, coconut oil, coconut based surfactant, and vegetable oil surfactant. The Eco-friendly Granite and Marble Cleaner by Howard Naturals retails fro $6.95.

Polishing and cleaning cabinets generally keeps them looking new and one’s home impeccable. There is a way to maintain an excellent look without using harsh chemicals and abrasives by using an all natural eco-friendly alternative. Howard Naturals Kitchen Cabinet Cleaner and Polish is a fragrance-free alternative. Though this is an all natural product there are a number of ingredients that attribute to maintaining beautiful cabinets. Ingredients include a natural blend of vegetable ingredients, palm kernel oil, coconut oil, and carnauba wax to insure a fresh polished look. Howard Naturals Kitchen Cabinet Cleaner and Polish retails for $8.75.

Stainless Steel appliances are the trend today, but face it they do have a tendency to retain smudges. There are several eco-friendly products available to maintain a new look. How Naturals offers an alternative to harsh products with the Howard Naturals Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish fragrance free all natural product. Ingredients include palm oil, soybean oil, coconut oil, water, emulsifier, and kernel oil. The Howard Naturals Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish retails for $8.75.

Using all natural eco-friendly housekeeping products is an excellent way to contribute to living green. For more information on the line of Eco-friendly Housekeeping Products by Howard Natural visit the Web site for Shop Blue House. Customer inquiries may also be made at 877-276-1180.

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