Eco Friendly Kitchen Saves Energy Costs

Energy costs, including electricity and natural gas are rising and have become more of a concern than ever, and the economy causes everyone to look for ways to tighten the belt. Saving energy usage is not only good or the budget, it is good or the environment. Keep an eye on energy usage to be kind to the pocketbook. Conserving energy is not only economical, it is eco friendly.

1, Look for the Energy Star Label. When it is time to replace a kitchen appliance, look or the Energy Star Label. The label is sponsored by the EPA and the Department of Energy. The Energy Star program rates appliances and light bulbs. The Energy Star rating guarantees that the products are energy efficient. Products with the Energy Star rating use an average of 30 percent less energy than standard products.

2. Do full loads of dishes in the dishwasher. Make sure to take full advantage of cost of running the dishwasher by loading the machine efficiently. If you don’t use many dishes, consider washing dishes by hand rather than running a whole dishwasher with only a few dishes in it. Dishwashers take energy in the form of hot water, the energy to heat the water and the electricity to run the dishwasher.

3. Fix dripping faucets. That drip in at the sink can run through thousands of gallons during the course of a year. Presuming that you pay for water, that drip can cost several dollars, while taking the water supply from the environment.

4. Unplug electrical products with LED lights, or anything that glows. Electrical equipment, such as television, cell phone charges and printers draw electrical power, even when they are not in use. Better Homes and Gardens magazine suggests plugging electrical equipment into a power strip and turning the strip off when you leave the room. Flipping the switch to off cuts the flow of energy and saves the cost of electricity.

5. Change the light bulbs. Phase out old style light bulbs as they blow out and replace them with compact fluorescent bulbs (CFL). CFL bulb convert most of the energy into light instead of heat. Using compact florescent bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs saves about 75 percent of the electricity. CFL bulbs can last up to ten times longer than an incandescent bulbs, which saves the cost of replacing light bulbs, while saving electricity.

6. Turn down the hot water heater. The water temperature may be hotter than you need it to be, which means you are spending money and energy on keeping the water hot. Turn the temperature down a few degrees. Changes are, you will not even notice. According to No Regrets Remodeling for Home Energy, most hot water heaters are shipped with a heat setting of 140 degrees, which is hot enough to scald the skin. Turn the thermostat down to 120 degrees F. The thermostat may not be accurate, so just turn it down a little at a time until it is just hot enough for your needs.

7. Cook efficiently to conserve gas or electricity. If using the oven, time cooking so that you can cook more than one dish at a time. If you are only cooking a small item, consider cooking in a toaster oven or microwave.

8. Open the curtains and shades to let the sun in. Let in the natural sunshine during the day to light up the kitchen. Using natural light saves on electricity and light bulbs. Natural sunlight is also a mood elevator.

9. Purchase from local farmers when possible. Food we purchase from a supermarkets may come from hundreds, or thousands, of miles away. The travel burns fossil fuel and harms the environment. Produce from local farmers may not be the cheapest means of food shopping, but it supports the local economy and is eco friendly.

10. Clean with eco friendly and green cleaners. Eco friendly cleaners use less harsh chemicals, so they are kinder to the environment and to your families health.

Many of these energy efficient and eco friendly habits are easy to implement. The effects of these cost conscious, eco friendly tips will add up over time.

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