Eco-Friendly Tankless Hot Water Heaters

Saving energy is high on the priority list for most earth friendly and cost conscious homeowners. Converting to eco-friendly tankless hot water heaters is an excellent way to reduce hearing costs. There are several options on models of eco-friendly tankless hot water heaters, which will be reviewed in this article.

There are several options from which to select among eco-friendly tankless hot water heaters. One example is the Bosch AquaStar Whole House Tankless Water Header, which is designed to cut energy costs up to 50 percent. This particular eco-friendly tankless hot water heater fueled by natural gas simply heats water on demand. When there is not demand, the gas valve closes, thereby saving energy. This model is also designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 50 percent. This eco-friendly tankless hot water heater model comes with a 12-year limited warranty. The cost for the Vosch AquaStar Whole House Tankless Water Heater is approximately $1,200.

Another excellent choice among the collection of eco-friendly tankless hot water heaters is the Bosch AquaStar Whole House Liquid Propane Tankless Water Heater, which is designed to cut energy costs up to 50 percent. This model is fueled by liquid propane and heats water on demand. The valve automatically closes and the burner extinguishes when there is no demand for hot water. Another interesting feature of this model is that water is the source of ignition for the pilot rather than electricity. This model is backed by a 12-year limited warranty. The approximate retail price is under $1,000. Prices vary based on availability and the shipper’s location.

An excellent choice of cost and energy savers among the eco-friendly tankless hot water heaters is the Bosch AquaStar Whole House Natural Gas Tankless Water Heater, which, like the other models, is designed to save up to 50 percent in energy costs. Fueled by natural gas, this unit is designed to provide and heat water on demand for one major source at a time. When not in use, the valve automatically closes and the burner extinguishes. Water is the source of ignition, saving even more energy. This is an excellent space-saving model that comes with a 12-year limited warranty. The approximate retail cost for this model of eco-friendly tankless hot water heater is just under $700.

For more information on the Bosch AquaStar Whole House Natural Gas Tankless Water Heater, the Bosch AquaStar Whole House Tankless Water Heater and the Bosch AquaStar Whole House Liquid Propane Tankless Water Heater, visit a home store in your area for estimates. The above-mentioned eco-friendly tankless hot water heaters may also be purchased from Amazon and major hardware stores.

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