Ecstasy Abuse in Kansas City

What does it do? The chemicals in ecstasy release serotonin (the brain’s chemical that induces happiness) in short bursts, creating a very intense high. How is it taken? Ecstasy is usually swallowed, but sometimes snorted or injected. It has even been inserted rectally.
The anticipated high from ecstasy involves euphoria, extreme happiness, a very high mood lift, heightening of all the senses (especially touch), and very defined, brightened colors. The world appears more beautiful. It lasts an average of 3-6 hours, but can last up to a full day. Vitamin C is known to intensify the high.
Most users do not realize that ecstasy, while the high may be wonderful, can cause deep depression for weeks after use. It can also cause vomiting, dry mouth, dehydration, muscle tension, headaches, difficulty concentrating, and a raised body temperature.
There are several long term effects from ecstasy as well. Over time, it can cause corruption of brain cells, depletion of serotonin, loss of memory, liver damage, and possible neurotoxicity.
Ecstasy is mainly manufactured in Holland, Poland, and the Netherlands. There, it is sold for about 10 cents a piece, but in the States, it can range anywhere from $20-$40 a pill. Sadly enough, “If you know the right people, it’s not hard to find,” says an anonymous source.
There are many different varieties of ecstasy. The most common in Kansas City are white lady, blue dolphin, blue lady, butterfly, and fish. There are also different types of ecstasy, depending on what drug they’re based on. These drugs include cocaine, methamphetamine, ketamine, and heroin. The base effects the high greatly, and users typically have a preference for the kind they like. It is also often combined with LSD, psychedelic mushrooms, and ketamine.
According to statistics, most users have only tried marijuana before they try ecstasy.
Though death from an ecstasy overdose is rare, many, many deaths occur from related causes. “I knew a girl who took an ecstasy pill and decided to go dancing… Eventually she started feeling dehydrated so she drank way too much water in a very short time period. I guess all the water threw off her electrolytes and diluted her body, so she died,” says another anonymous source.
Ecstasy is a very common drug at parties and raves. Dancing and music enhances the high, so this is why it’s often found in clubs and such.
Despite the illegalities of ecstasy, it still continues to grow more and more common among many countries.