Edible Homemade Air Fresheners

Here are a few edible homemade air fresheners and deodorizers.
Homemade Air Fresheners Using Lemons and Lemon Juice
Lemons are a natural deodorizer. So they are a great addition to any homemade air freshener. Here are some homemade air fresheners that use lemons or lemon juice.
• Make a homemade air freshener spray. In a spritzer bottle (a spray bottle that sprays a fine mist) combine one teaspoon of baking soda and two cups of hot water. Once the baking soda has dissolved, add one teaspoon of lemon juice. Put on the lid and give the bottle a gentle, side-to-side shake. Now you have a homemade air freshener that will absorb and neutralize odors, rather than just covering them up. Just don’t forget to label the bottle, so you’ll always know what’s in it.
• Place some lemon rinds in a pot of water, and put the water on the stove to simmer. You can also use orange or even grapefruit rinds, if that’s what you have on hand. This homemade air freshener will keep your kitchen smelling clean and fresh.
• A bowl of cut lemon or orange slices will make a wonderful homemade air freshener.
• To deodorize your garbage disposal, grind a combination of ice and lemon rinds. You can also use orange rinds.
• To remove the smell of garlic, onions, or any other unpleasant odors from, cut a lemon in half and rub it, cut side down, on your cutting board.
Some Other Edible Homemade Air Fresheners
• Cinnamon is a great homemade air freshener. Place some cinnamon and cloves in a pot of water, and put the water on the stove to simmer. This homemade air freshener will keep your house smelling clean and fresh.
• Who knew white bread was a deodorizer? A few slices of white bread in your refrigerator will absorb unpleasant odors.
• Who doesn’t love the scent of vanilla? To treat yourself to the scent every day, why not use it as a homemade air freshener? Pour some vanilla extract into few shallow bowls and set them all over your house. If you’re worried about the vanilla extract being spilled, soak some cotton balls in vanilla extract and place those in the bowls. For this homemade air freshener, you can also use other extracts, like orange or lemon.
• Try putting some sprigs of mint in a bowl or vase and set it on your kitchen counter or bedside table. Not only will it be attractive to the eye, it makes a wonderful homemade air freshener.
Homemade air fresheners are all-natural, and usually less expensive than commercial air fresheners. So, the next time you’re looking for a way to freshen the air in your home, look no further than your own kitchen.