Eight Perfect Christmas Gifts for a Toddler

As a consumer, I know the holiday shopping season is stressful. As a mother to an 18 month old, I know that walking in to a toy store is overwhelming even without the holiday pressure. If you are seeking a quality present that steers clear of primary colored plastic, this is the gift list for you. While many of these items can be found in stores, the online resource is also provided. This list of wonderful gifts will keep the toddler in your life thrilled long after Christmas has passed. Each of these items is thoughtful, unique and built to endure.

Toddlers aged 12 months to 3 years will appreciate these gifts.

(1) Oilcloth “Splat-Mat” – This is such a good idea! A big old-fashioned reversable Mexican oilcloth that can be used for crafts and put under a high chair to catch messes. Stylish and utilitarian – a parent’s dream. This was found online at Land of Nod, landofnod.com for about $35.

(2) Activity Cube – For any toddler developing motor skills, these old-fashioned wooden activity cubes are perfect. Similar to the ones found in doctors offices, they can endlessly occupy a toddler. This particular brand is recommended by Parenting Magazine. It can be found online at Sensational Beginnings, sensationalbeginnings.com for just under $80.

(3) Fisher Price Little People Noah’s Ark – Perfect size for little hands! All of the little animals can be stored inside. Parents will probably step on one in the middle of the night anyway, but at least clean-up is easy since the toy is self contained. There is multi-colored plastic with this toy, but the quality of it outweighs the general anti-plastic rule. This was found at the Fisher Price online store, fisherprice.com for $20.

(4) Radio Flyer Classic Rock & Bounce Pony – The safety features are thoughful. For example, the horse comes with a safety seat. The seat can be removed as the child gets older. It has a solid base so toddlers should not go flying off. Many of us covet the traditional rocking horses, but this would last a toddler until the age of 3. After that, maybe a real rocking horse could find its way in to the family? This can be found online redwagon.com for about $70.

(5) Cottage Duo with Cushy Tunnel – Most toddlers love to explore and will impress you as accomplished monkeys. This crawl-through tunnel is cushioned so that little knees don’ t get bruised by the wires that hold the tunnel open. A little tented fort can be set up on each side of the tunnel. The set retails for $54 online at onestepahead.com

(6) Dollhouse / Firehouse Bookshelf – Such a sweet idea for a little girl or boy’s room. All bookshelves should be secured to the wall as toddlers are notorious climbers. These little bookshelves are perfect for board books and toys, all at toddler level. Both booksheves can be found at Target – target.com for $80 and $219 respectively.

(7) “Lotta” or “Ole” Doll from HabaâÂ?¢ – These soft red-headed dolls are perfect for boys or girls. They are also age-appropriate (many dolls get put on shelves until kids are older). These dolls can be found online at Oompa.com for $44.

(8) Kugel-Bahn! Ball Track Roll ‘N Roll ‘N Roll – The ball is dropped on the track and rolls its way down, much to the delight of toddlers (and adults). This old-fashioned wooden toy is popular with little ones and builds their motor skills. It is online at Oompa.com for $75.

Many of these gifts can easily become heirlooms and passed on to future children. These are gifts that parents will appreciate as well, giving you one less thing to worry about this holiday season.

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