Electric Dog Fences Keep Your Pet Safe

Imagine this. A dog is running happily in your yard. A car goes by on the street and your beloved hound attempts to go after it. Just before running into the street she stops. No visible fence obstructs your view. You breath a sigh of relief as you realize the electronic fence kept your pet safe.

Building a fence to keep a dog in a yard is not a new idea, but new systems do not erect any visible evidence of the boundaries you set for you canine. Electronic dog fences come in a buried wire variety and a wireless transmitter. Both systems work with a collar that gets worn by the animal. When Fido approaches the boundaries of the invisible fence, the collar emits a high pitched alert that only the dog can hear. If he comes to the boundaries, the dog will receive a mild shock.

The two main advantages of these systems are aesthetics and not needed to worry about local zoning laws. While the wired system does require you to bury a wire around the boundaries of your yard, or the boundaries of where you wish to allow the dog to roam, it gets placed underground. The above ground system requires less work but it gives the dog an oval boundary to run in.

Unlike normal fences, the electronic dog fences will not keep out unwanted intruders from your yard. The other downside is that while it will normally keep a on the inside of the boundaries, if there is a greater enticement outside of the fenced-in area, the dog will eagerly chased after it. Your pet once beyond the boundary may not return as another shock will be received once the animal comes back to the boundary.

Dogwatch, a company that makes pet containment products, says that 99% of dog breeds can be trained to use the product. It can take weeks for a dog to learn its new boundaries, but most dogs can be off leash within five days. The manuals will be familiar to anyone who has tried to train any type of pack animal.

Dogwach.com and Petsafe.com both contain information on pet containment systems. If you are looking for a local expert to install it, simply turn to the Yellow Pages of your local phone book. Of course, it may give local fencing companies less opportunities for business as people will not need wire or picket fences in their yards.

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