Electric Fireplaces Vs. Gas Fireplaces

So, you have purchased your new home or are upgrading your old one, now what should you do to warm it up? Should you choose gas or electric for that just right feel? Well, let’s take a closer look at both of these to help you make an informed decision.

First, let’s start with gas fireplaces. These are perfect for the homeowner who plans on staying at their abode for a long time or are looking to get a good return on their real estate investment. I say this because, once installed, they become a permanent part of your home. Gas requires a licensed installer in most locals to install a gas line from your gas tanks outside to the unit positioned inside the house. Some units don’t require an exhaust pipe or venting but most do so installation would typically include drilling a vent hole and a gas line hole into the side of your structure. (Check your local codes for information about licensed installers but I highly recommend using one regardless for safety reasons.) Once installed these units burn so hot that they can even heat a whole house, depending on the house size! The adjustable height flame itself can be truly mesmerizing given its realistic look and feel. The surrounds come in many different shapes, designs and sizes to fit any budget or interior.

Next let’s consider electric fireplaces. These are perfect for those in apartments or condos as they can go anywhere and be uninstalled in a matter of moments. Installation is not much more then plugging a plug into an outlet!! They are also vent free. In laymen’s terms this means that they don’t need a chimney of any sort. That means no red tape to go through at the condo association or with your landlord. So, no drilling, holes in the house’s exterior and no installation fees!! They also come in handy when installing a fireplace in a room with no exterior walls. Want a cozy crackling fire in the middle of your living room but can’t put a chimney through your kitchen wall to accommodate a real one? Well just plug in an electric fireplace, break out the Champagne and curl up by the fire!! Electric fireplaces are also maintenance free and use almost the same amount of energy as a typical light bulb. If you don’t like the flame pattern, the flames on most models come fully adjustable and some models even come with air purifiers. All of these units come with zero clearance, allowing them to be safely placed directly against the wall. Despite their size most electric fireplaces can even heat up to a 10X10 room. Ok, now you are probably saying, “This sounds perfect for me but I have seen those cabinets they come with and they are cheesy looking!!” Not to worry, these come in many models, shapes, sizes and designs in all sorts of price ranges. Some cabinets look so realistic and expensive you can hardly tell they are fake!! Even the flame on a quality model can look outstandingly real!!

All information for this article provided by Gary Norris, co-owner of Mr. Fireplace, 1325 Union Ave Laconia, NH.

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