Electric Hot Water Heater Care: What Homeowners Should Do

When it comes to a home’s electric hot water heater, there are a few routine tasks that should be done at least once a year. Here’s a quick rundown on what those tasks are:
Draining Sediment
Over the course of its use, an electric hot water heater tends to built up sediment inside its tank. The sediment is caused by water impurities. The speed at which it builds up is largely determined by the quality of the water in your area. Periodic removal of the sediment from your hot water heater’s tank is important for one main reason. The sediment build up can clog up the inside of your hot water heater thereby reducing its energy efficiency. The water quality in my area is good. As such, my family and I tend to check our hot water heater for sediment build up twice a year. We tend to check it once in the spring and once in the winter.
Thankfully, removing the sediment from an electric hot water heater is a fairly quick and easy process. Simply look for the drain valve located on your hot water heater. In most instances, the drain valve is located towards the bottom of the hot water heater. Once you’ve found the drain valve, place a bucket under it and turn the drain valve’s handle. Water from the hot water heater should exit the valve and land inside the bucket. The water will be hot, so make sure that you take precautions in order to ensure that you don’t burn yourself in the process. You’ll also want to take care that the bucket doesn’t overflow. When we drain our tank, we typically attach a hose to the drain and run the hose outside. We have a panel built into our hot water heater’s closet specifically for that purpose. Once the water is in the bucket, examine the water for clarity. If sediment exists, the water will appear cloudy. Allow the water to run out of the hot water heater until it becomes clear.
Checking the Relief Valve
Based on my experience as a homeowner, an electric hot water heater’s relief valve should be checked at least twice a year. My family and I tend to check our hot water heater’s relief valve on the same days that we check the sediment level inside the tank. Many hot water heater manufacturers recommend that you check the relief valve once every season. In order to understand why checking the relief valve is important, you must first understand how a hot water heater works.
As the water heats up inside your hot water heater’s tank, pressure builds up. The hot water heater’s thermostat is designed to regulate the water temperature in order to make sure that the pressure inside the tank doesn’t reach unsafe levels. If the thermostat malfunctions and the pressure reaches unsafe levels, the hot water heater may explode. The relief valve is designed to kick open and release the pressure inside of the tank before that can happen. Hence, it should be checked periodically as a safety precaution.
Checking your hot water heater’s relief valve is also quick and easy to do. You will want to look for the relief valve towards the top of your hot water heater. It traditionally looks like a little lever and is connected to a long stretch of pipe with an open end. Place a bucket under the open pipe and carefully lift the lever. When you lift the lever, hot water should shoot out of the open end of the pipe and into the bucket. Be careful not to get burned. If the hot water does not exit the pipe, something is wrong with your hot water heater’s relief valve. Given the safety issues involved, any problems with a hot water heater’ relief valve should be immediately addressed by a professional plumber.
Killeen Gonzalez is a home owner. She also has a history of completing home improvement projects with her family.
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