Eliminate Sodas, Drink More Water

Everyone knows that drinking water is good for your health. Not everyone knows for sure how drinking soda can be unhealthy. Depending on the source, carbonated sugary soft drinks are considered moderately unhealthy to the cause of serious diseases and obesity. Reading this article could be enough to make one toss their sodas for good: http://www.cspinet.org/liquidcandy/ Either way, it is important to drink more water. One thing most people struggle with, is how to actually include more water in their diets.

Here are some ways drink more water each day:

At The Grocery
Buy different sizes bottled water. Look for eight-ounce (child size) and sixteen-ounce (standard size). Buy a gallon jug or two for emergencies. This will make sure you are less likely to run out. Also pick up some club soda just in case you have a taste for the fizz of soda. Substitute fruit drinks for 100% fruit juice.

Dining Out
Order water along with a small size of your usual drink. You will be more likely to reach for the water if you find your sugary soft drink too sweet. You may even find yourself watering your drink down with-water.

At Home
Keep plenty of water in the fridge. Carry a water bottle with you everywhere you go.

On the Go
Whether it be work, the gym, or running errands, bring water in your lunch/snack bag. Also carry lemon packets in case you want to add a little zip.

If you are still struggling with drinking water and rely on sodas to wash down food, try this step down method:
Start by switching from regular soda to diet soda immediately. They contain substantially fewer calories. Next trade your darker sodas for lighter ones such as orange, and lemon lime flavors. They contain even less caffeine. After this you will be able to trade for ginger ale, and fruit flavored waters as your substitute for soda. This whole process make take a few weeks, or a few months. It depends on the individual. Either way, you will be a lot closer to better health before you know it.

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