Elk, Hunters, and Aspen Trees

Many elk are being reintroduced after having been wiped out from their native habitat. The reintroduction of Roosevelt’s Elk, the largest elk, to Northern California’s Klamath National Forest is one example. There are some private landowners allowing elk to be brought in on their property. By doing this they give the elk habitat and can encourage the expansion of the herd numbers.
Many hunters are big conservationists and they are advocates in the fight for natural habitat for many species of animals and birds, elk included. While this is a great thing, giving back to nature by protecting, securing and replanting natural habitat for wildlife, it isn’t without sinister motives and that is to be able to continue hunting.
As in the case of elk a herd with a number of 40 to start out with may grow to as little as 200. When elk hit 200 in numbers hunters may be given the opportunity to hunt them. That doesn’t mean the hunters won’t have to buy a license to do that. The amount of hunters will most likely be restricted and so will the number of elk they are allowed to kill but that seems to defeat the purpose of trying to raise the number of elk to begin with.
Unfortunately most wildlife are forced to endure the same fate as the elk. Such was the fate of the Bobwhite Quail in Texas. They were hunted to the point that they could not regenerate their numbers.
The idea of timber mills chopping down trees and immediately replanting trees to better serve the wildlife is a wonderful thing, the only problem is that it takes time for trees to grow and in most cases the trees cut down are irreplaceable. To better serve elk, Aspen is replacing trees that are cut down in those areas and some spots are left open so that grass can grow for grazing. The height of an Aspen is around 60 feet. It is thought of by many as an ornamental tree. Abundant with leaves any breeze will set them moving from side to side.