Ella’s Kitchen: First Person Review

Review of the Product
I appreciated that Ella’s Kitchen uses organic ingredients. Choosing organic baby food was important to me to introduce my baby to solids for the first time. Personally, I indulge in unhealthy snacks – in moderation – as much as anyone else does, but I expect my children to only eat the healthiest, purest ingredients. My expectations are high for my children.
When I looked at the ingredients in the food, I liked that the ingredient list was short. The list showed ingredients I understood, instead of weird chemicals. Kids really need to get used to healthy ingredients so they can hopefully continue to eat healthy through adolescence. Because some company’s healthy ingredients can sometimes be unappealing and require an acquired taste, I put the food I received through a taste test.
As I had my children sample the food, I gave my youngest daughter the cheese + tomato puffits. I was nervous to give my little girl puffs for the first time. I wasn’t sure how well my daughter would understand to chew the puffs and let them melt in her mouth. After sampling the product, I realized I had nothing to worry about. My little girl ate the puffs with no problems, and she must have liked the product because she kept grabbing for more. The puffs were convenient to grab on the go for when I run errands and need a simple snack for my baby. My older daughter, who was eager to try the food, said the item tasted yummy! I took a bite, and I thought the food tasted really healthy. I could tell the food didn’t have unhealthy added ingredients, and I loved that my kids didn’t mind how healthy the food was.
While sampling the food, the real test was to give my older daughter Samantha the fruit packs, the pears mangoes + papayas and the apples green beans + raisins. Samantha has tried other healthy fruit packs before, and she’s refused to finish some that have too many bland ingredients. I was relieved to see my daughter finish a fruit pack and ask for more. By the end of the night, my daughter finished three of the fruit packs, leaving only one for her little sister.
Regarding the other food, the company did a good job of getting some healthy but somewhat plain ingredients, such as green beans and tomatoes, in the products in a way that isn’t noticeable to kids. I liked that the regular baby cereal and the mango banana + strawberry baby cereal came in plastic with an easy closure. My old cereal containers came in boxes that didn’t close easily. Directions for mixing the product to serve were very clear, with exact proportions explained. My baby is taking some time to adjust to the cereal, which is normal for a baby who hasn’t tried many different types of food. My older daughter was very excited about the biscuits and nibbly fingers, which I’ll have to buy again when my younger girl is a year old. My daughters both really enjoyed the food.
I received some free food to review.
The Contributor was given a gift or sample to inform this content.