Emergency Instructions on Your Cell Phone

Since terrorist attacks have afflicted most every nation at some point, ideas for protecting citizens abound. One new campaign being promoted by medical people around the world is to make cell phone users aware of the phone’s potential to help them in case of emergency. The emergency doesn’t have to be terrorist-related but can be any accident or emergency situation where you are unable to speak for yourself.
Adding a simple acronym to your cell phones: ICE (In Case of Emergency) not only makes it easier for the medical personnel to find the person who will make decisions for you but notations can also be made concerning ailments such as diabetes or seizures.
Millions of people now carry cell phones but aren’t aware of the campaign. It only takes a minute to add the ICE listing to your address book then you can rest assured that in case of an accident, the authorities will know who to reach. This is not only important for an adult who has been in an accident but for children who may be uninjured but don’t know relatives’ phone numbers and other information following an accident.
Beside the ICE listing add contact numbers so that emergency personnel can reach the decision makers for you should you become disabled, even temporarily. You can list more than one contact and they should be ones that know something about your medical history. To list more than one contact, store ICE-1, ICE-2 and so on. ICE-1 could even be something like: Iamdiabetic’ rather than a person’s name and number. The ICE-2 listing could be the actual person you would like contacted.
Make sure that the contact people are given a copy of your medical information which can be read to the medical personnel should they ever call you. Include ailments and conditions like seizures, heart problems or hearing-impaired. This allows personnel to treat you more rapidly since they would then know better what your condition may be. And the contact person should be someone close to you who can give permission for emergency treatment, should that be necessary. Don’t hesitate – add the acronym ICE’ to your cell phone address book now. It could save the life of yourself or a loved one.