Emerging Global Threats

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Australia is deploying 2,600 additional troops to help them deal with threats in the Pacific region. Some of the troops will also go to Iraq and Afghanistan.

More here.

A teenager who plotted to blow up the Gateway Arch has been acquitted. His public defender used the argument that the kid was troubled and that the threat wasn’t credible.

Do you agree?

Scottish authorities are investigating a chemical leak at a port, which caused a major shutdown. Police determined that the public was not at risk from the large cloud of vapor which was released from a tank, and they’re still trying to identify it.

If they don’t know what it is, how do they know it’s safe?

The FBI is currently investigating a man who claimed he was planning to bomb several state buildings in Washington. He claimed he has ties to Al-Qaeda, but authorities have ordered a mental evaluation.

More bad news?

NORAD is apparently still trying to stomp out some security bugs as it begins to pack up and leave Cheyenne Mountain. According to officials, they need to work on “force protection” before the move can be completed.

Get a move on.

Medical facilities in Pennsylvania have been warned not to open letters from a promotional company’s mass mailing – why? The letters may contain a white powder. Of course, what did the department of health say? “It is not likely the result of a terrorist incident.” One test returned a “weak” positive for botulinum toxin.

Don’t inhale.

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