Employment for Older Workers

There are numerous reasons one might be looking for employment in thier 50’s. It could be due to downsizing, early retirement or an urge for find more meaningful work. If you are over fifty and looking, take heart. Things have changed. Many businesses realize that there are many benefits to hiring an older worker. The following list companies and programs that are “over 50” friendly and fields that are expected to experience shortages of qualfied applicants.

Working for a goverment agency is appealing to many. They are known for fair pay, security and good benefits. Senior Environmental Employment (SEE) places skilled wokers over 50 in government agencies. They offer both full and part time positions and all of thier positions offer benefits and paid vactaions. SEE seeks to match applicatns skills with the positions in various local agencies.

Positions with the federal government are also an appealing option for the over 50 career. They make a point of complying with anti-discrimination legislation and offer attractive options such as flex time. There are many different opportunities to be considered here. Your local representative and look at your the local blue pages of your telephone book can give you an idea of some of the opportunities in your area.

Not for profit agencies have a good record when it comes to hiring older workers. They offer many a place to do work that is truly meaningful. If some issue in particular stirs you, working for a non profit can allow you to help make a difference in that area. Almost half of all not for profits offer flex time and they are known to be receptive to older applicants. Hospitals and health care agencies, in particular, recognize the many plusses of a more experienced workforce.

Another factor to consider is which careers will be facing shortages in the upcoming years. Lack of
qualified applicants mean that skilled workers will be in high demand. All the following industries will are expected to experience shortages:

Teaching. ..The shortage of qualified teachers has led to the introduction of trining programs which can help those with no prior experience rapidly enter the classroom. California, Florida and Texas already have shortages called “critical”. Teacherscount.org can help you find programs and opportunities in your area. Community centers often hire those without traditional teaching experience, especially if they expertise in a popular subject matter.

Pharmacy work…..Although it takes years t become a qualified pharmacist, pharmacy support jobs continue to be readily available. Demand in this field is expected to continue to increase..Checkwww.careerpharm.com for the various options you might consider.

Medical assistance.. This field entails managing information for medical offices, insurance providers and
other health service providers. It is currently the most rapidly growing field in the US with demand expected to continue to rise. See www.aama-ntl.org wil tell you how you can train for posititons in these felds in under a year.

Retail sales is another field that is becoming increasingly welcoming to the more experienced worker..
Some companies , like Home Depot , offer benefits for thier part time workers. Numerous positions are listed at seniors4hire.com

Good luck to you as you consider your career options.

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