End the UFO Secrecy

UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object. It is any real or apparent flying object which remains unidentified after investigation. They are also referred to as “Flying Saucers” or “Flying Disks”. The collective effort of investigators who study UFO reports and associated evidence is referred to as ufology.
Many people believe that UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft, but others say there is no compelling evidence to support such a conclusion.
There are two major elements to the UFO mystery: The UFO s themselves and the intensive efforts by the governments of the world to conceal information about them.
Governments all over the world especially the U.S governments have hidden and denied the existence of UFO’s due to what they claim as concerns to the national security.
Many people are convinced that governments especially the CIA, are engaged in massive conspiracy and cover up of the UFO phenomena. The CIA has secretly guarded its research into UFO’s and remains tight lipped about the matter. It Keep its findings, evidence and materials as a top secret.
In the case of UFO phenomena, it’s a gross injustice by any government-elected or unelected or any organization to keep the UFO information to themselves, thereby depriving the rest of the world the possible knowledge of almost inconceivable magnitude and consequence.
There are many great questions into the UFO issue; why all the secrecy? Why hide the UFO subject from the public? What do they know that we don’t know? What threat do UFOs pose to us?
Every Citizen should demand the mystery behind the UFO matter be disclosed once and for all. We should be informed about matters that are directly linked to our lives. We must press hard to ensure the excessive secrecy is ended.
There seems to be a very strong cartel that is determined, come what may, to forever remain numb about this issue. We should no longer be deceived. We need to be aware of the dangerous scenario posed by the UFOs. Unless the truth is shed and all the mysterious questions regarding this matter are resolved, we should not rest.
Ending the secrecy surrounding this matter would be a laudable goal. Its long overdue. It would transform the world in many ways both simple and profound. And it will help us find peace in our hearts. For how long should we let a small group of people to control an issue of such paramount importance into our lives? Only you can tell.