Endocrine Patients Do Have Support and Do Survive

For those of you who may be suffering from a Pituitary Tumor, or know someone who has a tumor, this is for you.
I had my Transphenoid Surgery in November 1978 and I am here today, providing hope and encouragment to others who have just learned of their condition, friends interested in learning more about the effects of having a Pituitary Tumor and to family members who must learn to adapt, cope and provide a safe place for their patient relative.

You cannot imagine how LUCKY you are to have the Internet at your fingertips during this medical crisis. Back in 1978, I only had the local Library (which was not that helpful, and hospitals that were not willing to provide much data or support for me.
I had to rely on my medical background and ability to stick to my objective of getting information and learning enough to question the physicians who were less than willing to give me the straight facts.

Today, ANYONE can key in specific words and before them are many listings of support groups, research data and personal stories of survivial.

In the future, I hope there will be those of you who are willing to take a chance and learn more. I welcome you to contact me and ask any questions you may have, and I assure you, I shall do my best to give you honest, correct and timely responses.
All I require of anyone who is willing to take the step of learning about Pitutiary Tumors and other Endocrine issues, is an open mind, personal comittment to do research yourself and ask the hard questions, the more you know, the more strength and support you muster, will pay off …. allowing you to heal physicially, emotionally and intellectually.

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