Energy Assistance Programs in Montana

With heating and fuel prices escalating on a weekly basis, many Montana residents are finding it difficult to pay for their utility bills. In response to this problem the state of Montana offers its low income residents two energy assistance programs that are designed to offset the financial burden caused by increased energy and fuel prices, and they are the Weatherization Program and the Low Income Energy Assistance Program.

The Weatherization Program

Montana’s Weathrization Program is designed to help low income residents to weatherize their homes and to help make their homes more energy efficient. This program not only provides assistance with purchasing and installing energy efficient devices in low income homes like furnaces, hot water heaters, etc., but it also educates recipients of this program on how to reduce their energy consumption.

To qualify for this program applicants will need to have an annual combined household income that is less than or equal to 150% of the federal poverty level, and they will need to be a homeowner or renter. If the applicant is already receiving SSI or if they are receiving help from the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program, then they may automatically qualify for assistance provided by this program.

Montana residents can submit their completed application package and supporting documents at any time of the year. A complete application package will need to include a completed application form, a copy of a recent fuel bill, and copies of income records. Priority for acceptance in this program is based on income, age, and disabilities of the applicant. For more information about this program, or for application materials, please contact the Montana Citizen’s Advocate at 1-800-332-2272, or visit a local branch of an energy assistance office.

The Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEP)

LIEP is another Montana energy assistance program. This one focuses on helping low income individuals pay their utility bills. Payments are generally paid directly to the utility company or fuel provider. The recipient of benefits from this program will see these payments as discounts or credits on their utility or fuel bills. The amount of assistance provided by this program will depend on the household’s income, the size of the home, the type of the home, and the type and cost of the fuel that is used.

To be eligible for this program applicants will need to have an annual household income less than or equal to 150% of the federal poverty level, and they will need to own or rent a home. Priority for this program is generally given to older Montana residents and Montana residents who are disabled. If the applicant is also currently receiving benefits from SSI or from the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program, then they will probably automatically qualify for this program.

People can apply for this program between October 1 and April 30, and like the Weatherization Assistance Program, application packages will need to include a completed application form, recent copies of utility bills, and verification of the household’s income. After submitting an application it will be reviewed and all claims of financial need and hardship will be evaluated. In a few weeks a notification letter will be sent to the applicant informing them if they have been accepted into the program and what benefits they will be receiving. If applicants have not heard anything in one year, they will need to resubmit their application. For more information about this assistance program, or for application materials, please call the Montana Citizen Advocate at 1-800-332-2272 or visit a local energy assistance office.

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