Enhance Your Immune System to Battle AIDS and HIV

There are a number of alternative treatments that will help enhance your immune system to battle AIDS and HIV. Like most drugs, drugs used to battle AIDS and HIV cause side effects, ranging from headaches to heart problems. Plus, many of those with AIDS or HIV often become resistant to antiviral drugs, which can shorten the effectiveness of the drug, according to alternative doctors.

Increasing your intake of fatty acids are good for the skin since many people with HIV develop skin problems. Fatty acids are found in nuts, seeds, fish, olive oil, flaxseed oil, and sunflower oil, just to name a few products. Taking either a supplement with 4,000-6,000 mgs of flaxseed oil, 2,000-4,000 mgs of fish oil, or 240-480 mgs of borage oil everyday can help battle skin problems associated with AIDS and HIV.

Be sure to increase your intake of protein. Protein enhances the immune system, so people suffering from HIV or AIDS need to take as much protein as they can everyday to prevent your health from steady declining and to help battle the disease. Get 0.6 grams of protein for every pound of weight. For example, someone who weighs 150 should get at least 90 grams of protein everyday. An easy way of knowing you are getting enough protein or keeping track of how much protein you are getting is to get at least 20 grams of protein with every meal you eat during the day. Foods high in protein include all meats, nuts, eggs, and dairy products. Eating three eggs will provide 21 grams of protein.

You can also eat protein snacks to get enough protein but stay away from those that have a bunch of sweeteners in them, which can weaken the immune system. Protein powder shakes are also a good idea. Again, avoid any shake that has a high dose of sugar, sucrose, fructose, artificial flavors, or corn syrup. If you have chronic diarrhea, try taking hydrolyzed protein with rice or soy protein. Another way to enhance your immune system is to take some garlic. Garlic contains ingredients that destroy bacteria and viruses and protects the immune system. Take at least 9 grams of raw garlic a day in a juice form or about three medium-sized cloves. You can break the dosage up throughout the day.

Congee, a Chinese herb, or boiled rice pudding helps control diarrhea, which is a symptom of HIV. Add 1 cup of white rice with 7 to 9 cups of filtered water in a pot, cover, and let it cook on low heat for 6 to 8 hours. Add more water if you need to keep it from becoming dry. Eat 1 to 3 cups of congee a day. To help congee enhance the immune system even more add the following: 6 grams of lotus seeds, 3 grams of euryale, 3 grams of dried ginger, 6 grams of dioscorea, 9 grams of poria, 3 grams of codonopsis, 2 pieces of red and fresh dates, and cinnamon to make a tasty, effective congee meal.

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